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GA GH's garden picts & more

Just wanted to share some pictures from the garden.

First yellow brainstrain pod! Really wanting to try this one! Was happy to see the legit shape.

Some pretty in purples. Ate a bunch of ripe red ones last night with pizza. Not bad tasting. Added a decent heat even. Was afraid these were going to just be pretty to look at. But a happy addition this year.

First Jamaican hot choc. Cant wait to eat one.

A protector of the bonnets. The grand daddy long legs. Got these guys everwhere. And hoping the bonnets turn yellow.

I love the flavor of the giant maconis. Excellent grilled

Trin scorp sweet. Was in my late starts so behind everything else.

Some choc bhuts. Playing that waiting game again.

Some blurry Bishop's crowns. My wife brought home a pepper last fall. Someone brought a couple up to her work. She grabbed one for me because she the best. Saved the seeds & ate the pepper.

And i joined the tea party. See what this site will do to ya! I think i have answered every question i have had using this site. Love this place.

Feed the soil yesterday morning.

Thanks for checking me out.
More picture to come!
Nice pics! I can't wait for the report on that first brain strain :)
Thanks guys.
"cultivation takes patience, im waiting" - fatlip
That line of one of his songs, total can relate.

The compost tea was made with worm casting, fresh grass clippings, and an organic fert that contains bat guano, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, beneficial bacteria and mykos, with molasses to feed.
i have been mulching the garden today. Digging up under some pine straw, i found some compost straw with fungi growing all through it. That's going in the next batch, which im starting today. Bubbling off the chlorine right now.
Elcap, cant wait to try the yellow brain.
I also have yellow7s, LRG yellow7s and fatalii. And yellow ghost too.
Looking fowards to any of the yellow c. chinese plants.
But couldnt be happier than when i saw the yel brain.
Found a trin scorp moruga blend today also growing it first pod with the bump tail thingy.
Can you say hell yeah!
I notice my little thai pepper plant was having some double blooms. Usually one of the blooms doesn't make it.
well this one hung on.

Funny that it ripened first.

And i see my first 7pot red is starting to turn. Yay!

Everyone get some garden time in.
Thanks again!
I still love that.. "the tea party" :P Shane aka STC came up with that in his glog, witch if you haven't read, I would recommend it. It is full of pod pron.

Nice looking plants and pods! and WELCOME to the Tea Party! :dance:

The "Tea Party" is where we all get together and throw our old ferts in to the river, I mean trash. :rofl:
thanks. Glad to Support Soil everywhere!
Been coming along with shane's blog since the begining.
Quietly anyway.
Seriously though... everytime we type those words, a government computer gets a hit.
soon the men in black are going to show up.
ask some questions. And then be on their way.
added our names to list. Then...
Talking to aliens and stuff. Saving the world.
You know...
Joking. Or something? Or not.

And datildaddy.
You have been looking at it.
We all love to see them pods.

Everyone take care.

Typos. Whoops
We have been having afternoon thunderstorms daily thru the last week.
It has rained some everyday, serious down pours a couple days even.
Plants are happy.
garden pict from the begining of last week

Pulled my first 7pot red. Took it to work on Friday and a few of us tryed it. A hot little booger. Very fruity and sweet. Good heat.

I have four plants from seed for this 7. Two different phenotypes pod wise. Looking foward to the other pheno which has real pale light green pods that are just starting to turn. Wondering how they will taste.

TS moruga blend

Peter pepper from pepper joe. These pods are all over the place shape wise. Not quite the picture prefect ones that i hope i end up with yet. Hoping to embarrass someone with one, like the wife or kids. But weird pods nevertheless.

Made more compost tea this week. This batch had way more foam/head than the last.

And a fly getting some.

and a fly getting eaten

Will take some more picts tomorrow.

Hope everyone is good and thanks for checking me out.
Still raining daily. Just bought a rain gauge to keep track for myself. Into this typically afternon thunderstorm we get every summer before it stops and the drought begins.
Have noticed more and more ants farming aphids Going to have to do something about them. I have been just squishing the ants and the aphids with my fingers but that seem to only slow them down and move them to a different plant. I have big black ant and small black ants both farming them.
Any good suggestions to tackle them both?

Now some picts.
i have been eating a few peppers here and there but actually feel like i have had my first harvest today.

some 7 reds, a purple jalapeno, some bonnets (not sure if they are even bonnets but happy anyway), two yellow bhuts, and a bunch of thais and pretty purps.

Of the randoms though out the week, my favorite has been an unintentional cross of a giant marconi crossed with a jalapeno hot from last years peppers. It retained the marconi flavor but has the heat. It grows like the marconi but is smaller and goes though a brown stage before going red. I want to grow out next year and select for the taste/heat combo. Super good. Will get a pict when it pods up next.
I also have a cayenne crossed with the same jalapenos but its kind of strange tasting. Its like eating both peppers at the same time. Almost too complex tasting to enjoy either flavor. And not as hot as either also.
here is a pict. The cross it on the left vs the regular cayenne on the right.

Some Trinidad scorp morugas. Varying pod shapes.


First pod on the trin scorp sweet.

Some douglahs

And another varying shaped douglah. Long tails.need to get a better pict. But all the tails are thin, while the rest is thick. The one to the right is turned so you can't see how thin it is making it bhut-ish looking. Badass pods. And all on that plantt are growing that way.

And the other douglah is almost showing stinger tails. Its behind the other two.

Some yellow bhut.

Someone hit with a post, i got more picts!
Thanks Sawdust!

Yellow brainstrains!


Red bhuts. One starting to blush.

JHC. Waiting for this one.

7 reds pale phenotype blushing

Other phenotype 7 red also turning

Choc bhuts

And another two varying TS moruga blend plants


I ate one for the yel bhuts earlier.
Would have told ya that it wasnt that hot... until a couple minutes into it, when the heat set in.
And it got a few good hiccups out of me.
Thanks for looking.
peace to the pepper growers everywhere!
Thank you doc!

I'm always on the lookout for any predators or prey. Was really excited to catch that 1 in action.

I walk down into the garden before jumping in the car to head to work. Grab my first ripe fatalii pepper

Will snap a few more pics when I get home.