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Getting there

Well, if you read my intro post before the server crash, you know the fun I've been having with my peppers. It's been a couple of weeks so I thought I would put up some pics of the progress so far. They are definitely bigger and I will probably try and overwinter a couple but I still have about a month and a half of the season left before I worry about that. I still only know what a couple of the plants are as there was a little mix up in the seedlings, if anyone can shed any light on the subject I would be very happy, otherwise I will wait until they ripen hehe. The original planting had Thai chili, cayenne, chocolate hab, naga morich, devils tongue. I know they were all transplanted into bigger planters but due to cats and friends and other accidents, it's unknown which made it into the ground. There were also some bought as plants that are now in question. I bought a serrano tamiqueno in Philadelphia in May and it has prospered greatly. The hot hungarians came from the hardware store and the Jalapenos were from the local Amish farmers. The jalapenos are the questionable ones. On to the pics.

The garden as a whole. Nothing spectacular but Im happy with it.




Unknown, is it normal to have flowers with different amount of petals on the same plant?


The majority of my plants have either 5 or 6 petaled flowers but 2 have 7, does this help narrow down any?


Unknown but it was my first from seed to pod. Naga?


This was a surprise, I moved a leaf to take a pic of the small pod on the bottom and saw the other two. Very happy about this, just wish I knew what they were hehe.


The hungarians, I have three of these and they are all producing well but not sure what is on the first ones but it is on the smaller plant as well. Are they ripening and thats what it looks like or is it something else?



The jalapenos are next along with the maybe jalapenos






Another unknown


Finally the best producers so far the serrano. Some of these are 3" long and the plant has double in size from last time.


None of the plants are very tall but at least they are getting flowers and pods. If anyone can help me ID the unknowns, I would be grateful. Thanks for looking.

They all look like jalapenos too me except for the second plant which may be a naga morich and the fifth which looks like a hab. I could very easily be wrong though as I am far from an expert.

The coloring on your wax peppers is sunburn.

Nice grow you have there. I hope you do have some chinense. Good luck!
Hmmm, that first jal looks kind of like my Jalmundos, so might be a large jal variety. The others look a little more Bell like. I'd sacrifice that one with the weird spot on it and bite into it, see if any heat.

Pretty common to get some sun color on peppers, but I can't recall getting it on my Hung Wax. Do they get a lot of sun there?

You probably already thought of this, but looks like you could extend your growing season by putting up some a few posts and plastic--easy 'cold frame' enclosure to tag onto your deck area. Save the materials and use it again next Spring as a way to start things sooner. Good luck.... :cool:
My wife said the same thing so the spotted Jal may get the bite later this week, I want to see if it gets any colour first. They are on the big side. That side of the house is south facing so they get sun pretty much all day, is that too much? I used a hardware store plastic greenhouse to harden them off and I have been looking at cold frames already thanks to another post hehe. I should be good until October though, depends on how nice the weather stays in the next little while. Im also getting ready to move and I would hate to have to leave them here without getting any ripe ones to take with me. Thanks for the info.
Well, the weather has done some gardening for me. What I thought was going to be just a rainstorm, had some wind associated with it. It blew a rug off the deck right onto my smaller plants. I dont know how long it was there but it had broken a couple of branches (not that there were many) and the plant was wilted and folded.. I plucked the broken branches off (planted one in hopes) and checked the other plants. No major damage on the others but one medium hungarian pod had fallen off. Not ripe and barely a tingle to it. The others seem to be ripening though. I can only hope they will perk back up and recover oon. Oh and there were a few tiny pods on the ground under the plants. Dont know if they fell off before or after.
Took some pics to show the update and ask a question or two. First pic is not hot peppers however its the third batch of beans I've taken out of my little garden. There is a pepper in the bowl, it is the spotted ?jalapeno? I had a taste of it and it tastes very much like a green pepper, so I suspect the other not jalapeno is a green pepper as well even if it hasn't grown much. Well on with the updates.


Still don't know what this is


Naga Morich?


Again, unknown


Jalapeno with another in the background. Only one or two peppers on each plant, I don't know why.


I believe these are Thai chili


Again not sure, also the bottom one has what looks like a bug hole in it.. hope he paid for it.


The hungarians are starting to gets some colour finally. Slight orange tinge to them.


The serranos are filling out nicely and taste good as well. I had one at supper and it had a nice flavour to it. The heat was there but wasnt overpowering and should get a little better as it gets more ripe.


And now that it's a little bigger, it's easy to see that it's a small green pepper.


Well, I still have a couple weeks left in the season for these to grow and ripen, I can only hope I get one or two ripe pods to seed.
Hi , I remember your orginal post , the new growth on your plants look really good, did flushing the plants help?...the pods look great...good luck
WEll, i hate to say it but I think I am sacrificing my beans for my peppers. I went out tonight and saw slugs on my pepper leaves and stated plucking them off, decided to check my beans and they were COVERED in slugs..... I figured maybe I should just give them an easy meal so they would leave my peppers alone. I had slug bait but that didn't seem to work. What do you guys do?
Hard to ID your peppers at this stage. The 2nd and 4th pix also look like Bells to me. Looks like you're getting some good growth as mentioned, so no choice but to keep growing!

Slugs, ewwwww. Must be quite moist in NS to get a big onslaught like that. I'd grab every one I could and throw them long and far to an area for cars to run over and birds to eat. At least it would take a few days for them to slime their way back. I wouldn't give them the beans either, even if you have lots.... :cool:
Well, most of the plants seem to be growing nicely, I am getting pods on almost all plants now and they have grown a couple of inches. I still have about a month of growing left before I have to look at overwintering. Hopefully I get some ripe ones by then. The hungarians are coming along and the serrano is producing well although no ripe peppers yet. I have made some guesses on the unknowns but still have to wait until they ripen before I can make any true assessment. On with the pics.

The hungarians are mostly yellow with a tinge of orange on a couple and one nice red one. I am going to pluck some soon and pickle them up for the wife.


Not sure, just happy it has a pepper on it, these were the smallest and most troublesome plants I had. And they had the rug fall on them and damage them.


One lone pepper but its a big one. (thats what she said)


I would appreciate it if anyone could even mostly ID the unknowns but I can wait until they ripen and repost. I planted choco habs, Naga morich and devils tongue. Well, I planted more that but these look similar.



The Jalapenos, at least thats what they look like. I will be pulling the red one soon and testing.



Not sure about these, they look like little Jalapenos but im not positive.


The serrano, producing nicely.

Thai chili?






And last but not least, after the wind blew a rug on my plants and broke a rather large piece off one, I looked up some clipping info and decided what the heck. I trimmed the branch back, snipped off half the last leaf and popped it in some water until I could get some root hormone. Once I picked it up, I prepped it and popped it in some soil. Two days later my cat pulled it out... So, more root hormone and back in the soil, this time in a zip lock bag. I noticed the tiny leaves yesterday morning. Thats good right?


I apologize for not knowing what half my plants are but after the issues I had with the initial grow, I'm just happy they are producing. Cheers all.

Well after an eventful month, here is a quick update on my "progress". I moved and had to leave my plants behind until I could get situated in my new house (much bigger grow area), Im still not completely moved in but I have the basics hehe. I now live about 20 miles from my old house which wouldn't be so bad except that my wife has a new job in the evenings and I have to take care of my son, leaving me very little time to go to the old house and take care of the peppers. I managed to get some pickled up and pick a small batch after but it was only today that I managed to get out to uproot and repot them to move them here. Unfortunately we had a couple of days of rain then 2 evenings of light frost warnings. I had to hope that they were tough enough and sheltered enough to survive. When I got there, they seemed to be ok although the tallest ones and the ones in front were affected the most. The leaves were wilted on most of them and one of the smaller ones had dead leaves on top. However, the peppers themselves were growing nice and big and some of the supers are actually ripening (yay). So I bought some cheap plastic pots and some new potting soil and worm castings and potted them up and took them to their new home. They are now sitting in a nice sunny spot awaiting a nice week of warm temps. I don't have a picture of them just yet, just a pic of the last harvest which I put in a bag to let them ripen a bit. Only the jalapenos haven't ripened yet, most of the others have turned a nice red.


I will post a pic of the potted ones when I get a chance. Cheers, sean.
Ok, so now the after shots. The serrano weathered the frost the best and I don't think it has any damage at all. The poor cayenne on the other hand... Still not sure what some of them are but I can at least figure out which are not the choco habs hehe. So that leaves the ripening ones either devils tongue or naga morich. I only tried to save a couple of the jalapenos and hot hungarians as I already had seeds from each plant so I can just resow if they don't survive. My major worry was that the habanero, naga and devils tongue would die before I got ripe peppers off them to save the seed. If they survive (and I can follow pepper gurus instructions) I will try and overwinter them and see if I can continue again next year. Well, on with the pics.








So, I have pulled the peppers inside for good and managed to keep them alive after the frost hit. I bought a couple small lights and have 100 w 6500k bulbs to keep them company during the day and they don't seem to mind that at all. There is some new growth happening on a couple of stems so I am optimistic that they will last through the winter. I just pulled most of the ripe peppers off them and I'm just waiting for a few more to ripen (or not) before I start the haircuts and follow Pepper Gurus thread. I only have one question; I know I have serranos, are the yellow ones Devils tongue and the reds Naga Morich? My wife bought seeds for me from ebay (I know but the seller is still there and seems ok) for Naga morich, devils tongue and chocolate hab. I can pretty much assume that the yellow ones are not the choco's but do choc habs ripen from red to brown or straight to brown? Long story short, my original grow got mixed up and I was unsure which were which. I still have a couple of plants that havent ripened yet, so I can't check colour but they don't look like the habs that I have seen. Either way, I am relatively happy with the way my grow went this year since I actually had a couple of harvests and have seeds to start next year if my overwinter doesnt work. Anyway, on to the pics.





Yes, I know the cayennes are dead, I actually plucked them off after I took the pic. The frost killed the ends of the branches they were on and only 2 peppers survived. Im hoping they will ripen, otherwise I will have to OW and hope for the best.

