vendor / Bhut Jolokia Bulk Online

OK, I placed an order for 200 Bhut seeds at one of their websites ( last monday, haven't gotten them yet, but figure they'll be here soon.

I was wondering if anyone had ordered from any of their, what looks like around 4 Websites?

Also, wondering if anyone has bought and grown their Red Bhut seeds? I am really hoping they grow true since a local Indian Food Market said they would buy the pods from me if I grow them. Plus I really want some Red Bhuts this year for me to eat :)

Also, I saw a few pages on their website that were looking like they are going to be carrying products from a few members here who sell powders etc....

Anyway, just wondering what experiences people have had when ordering from them :)
Not a thread jack at all! That is applicable info.

The other member pointed out to me that over in India it is typical to dry pods at 180°
That is way hotter than the temps I dry pods at!
Shoot, I just let some dry.out in the desert heat hanging on strings, and when it cooled off, I had them drying under a ceramic heat element that dried them at about 120°....
I also germinated seeds from my pods, and from dried pods from the grocery store that were imported from Mexico.
I had success with all those. But they were likely sun dried.....or at least dried at a lower temperature.
OK, I sowed 176 seeds (the ones with no black) into 36 peat pellets....after soaking in chamomile tea for a couple hours.
4-5 "seeds" in each pellet....
Threw away at least 30 that looked "burned"

To be continued......
Shouldn't this be in your grow log? At this point you are speculating in a review topic.
Shouldn't this be in your grow log? At this point you are speculating in a review topic.


I will post about it there, but also, I was thinking if they germinate, or not, is kind of in the review department too.

Would it be OK if I could just post if they germinate or not, then if they do germinate, post later on what they grow for pods?

This section is for reviewing vendors not a log of your speculation if it will grow or not or how seeds taste. Post your REVIEW of this vendor, so yes, after they grow/don't grow would be fine.
DesertChris said:
No problem, and thank you.

I apologize to everyone for going off topic.
I'll review the product when I have more information.
Well, how did it turn out? I'm very interested about this since this vendor just posted a sale on here and I was considering making a purchase with them. I love a good deal but I have suspicions when it seems like too good of a deal.  