misc Giving Samples

Any of you who sell your sauce to retail, distributors, etc. What do you do as far as sampling is concerned for new or possibly new clients? Do you leave a whole new bottle? Smaller size? Taste test?

I have left regular bottles with some, but that seems like it is going to get expensive. I have also looked for smaller bottles, but by the time you add everything up to get them, they are just as much as the retail size bottle.

Any thoughts???:?:
We were leaving full size 5oz bottles, but it does get expensive, especially with multiple sauces. Now we bring sample sizes (2 oz) to leave, and the regular size to show. We also leave copies of the label from the regular size, or send them with pictures and bottle sizes if it is an out of town target.

Our first 200 bottle run was all given out as promo, and that seems to have brought us enough business to recover the cost. But it's hard to part with that much delicious product only to have someone who may never have really had any interest take it home, give it away, or throw it in the corner. Follow up, follow up, follow up! They will almost never track you down to give you their money.

And yes, the small bottles do end up costing near the price of the larger bottles, but you save money in labelling, storage, and product.

Would love an above ground pool or underground reservoir size sample of any Defcon sauce. Just sneak it over the Canadian border and leave it in the woods, we'll find it.