Goat Poop

solid7 said:
WHo says zoo doo is predator shit?  It looks like soggy bales of hay with grass gravy...
No clue what it contains.  I guess you could get a clue by looking at what large animals they have.  I know pig is very ill advised because the pathogens and parasites are often the same ones that can harm humans.  Dog is horrible but I forget why.  I am sure zoo poo is not processed at all.  So figure it should be aged.

Maybe I am reading too much hippie dippy into it.  Have been trying to stay as organic as possible, so all the time reading advise from places like Mother Earth News and Hobby Farm.  All seem to agree that poop can be very dangerous and advise composting the hell out of it.
ajdrew said:
Maybe I am reading too much hippie dippy into it.  Have been trying to stay as organic as possible, so all the time reading advise from places like Mother Earth News and Hobby Farm.  All seem to agree that poop can be very dangerous and advise composting the hell out of it.
If there's an article about styling your beard with coconut oil, then yes, ask a farmer, and quit reading..;)
Grass Snake said:
Can we have a moderator on stand-by, this thread might get out of control.
Standing by!
solid7 said:
If there's an article about styling your beard with coconut oil, then yes, ask a farmer, and quit reading.. ;)
Beard hell.  If you got a twister play mat, coconut oil is a whole body rub.

You will never think of me in the same way again.
The day when goat poop threads, and albino tortillas, start offending people, and sending them to dark places, is probably the day I should step off the crazy train. But hey - it was a fun ride! hahaha Thanks for giggles peeps! ;)
Grass Snake said:
Who said anything about naked? Your out of line! Lock this thread and throw away the key.
Naked isn't out of line.  You are thinking about "neked", that is when you are naked and thinking something dirty.  I was talking about Twister, a wholesome game.  You got a dirty mind.
ajdrew said:
Naked isn't out of line.  You are thinking about "neked", that is when you are naked and thinking something dirty.  I was talking about Twister, a wholesome game.  You got a dirty mind.
Not to be confused with "nekkid", which typically has an adjective preceding it.  (i.e., butt nekkid)
Generally, "nekkid" is when you are naked and DOING something dirty. (or in the act of preparing to do something dirty)
And that guy totally has a dirty mind.  Since when can't a guy get naked and do family activities, like game night?
solid7 said:
And that guy totally has a dirty mind.  Since when can't a guy get naked and do family activities, like game night?
I forget when the kids started to notice, but havent been naked outside the bathroom since.  Heck, they yell at me if I forget to lock the bathroom door.  I use to take baths with these kids.