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Going away for 10 days

Very simple and easy... bottom water (you should be doing this anyway).
1. Make several holes in the bottom of the grow containers
2. Go get some kind of low-profile reservoir pan you can use to hold water.  At the young age of your plants, you can probably use a cake pan.  You can get aluminum cake pans at your local grocer for just a few bucks each, and you can probably set 8-16 plants in each
3. Set the pierced grow containers in the reservoir pan and put a few inches of water in the bottom.  Set your plants in the pan.  The holes in the bottom of the grow containers will allow the standing water to wick-up through the soil as needed and water them in a manner that is probably more effective than if you had been watering them manually
4. Go on vacation, get laid, drink some beers, enjoy yourself, and return home safely to enjoy your healthy, thriving plants.
Use a plastic soda bottle.
Set it up like a chicken waterer.


On a capped litre bottle,cut holes in the cap or bottle-water line of the pan you put yout plants in.

When the water level gets below the holes water fills the pan...
The reason I'd keep the cap on is in case the bottle falls over or the pan leaks it might spill less water and the cap might help controll the water flow better.
I'd just drill a couple holes and see if the water flows correctly,drill bigger or more holes as needed.
I think the slower the flow the better.
You don't really need a bunch of water in the pan,just a good enough flow so it keeps the plants damp.
If it takes hours to refill the tray you don't have to worry about wet feet...
A mini sparlets bottle type thing.

Something like this but in a tray full of plants.

Buy an automated water valve that fits on a garden hose (@$30). Rig it to a reservoir of water above the plants level. Set the timer to flood the trays the plants are in by bottom watering.

It has worked well for me in the past. To get an idea of the water requirement of the reservoir and timer on/off time, simply measure the amount of water required to water them by hand and time/set the water valve to match.