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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

good morning all  :)
was finally able to get some work done in the yards yesterday  :party:
had a short rainstorm through the middle of the night, but its looking like today is gonna be some nice weather again too
currently 55F/13C with the high temp for this afternoon predicted at 75F/24C  :dance:
hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday 
S.M.I.L.E. :D and be excellent to each other
good morning all  :)
weather forecast here says around 40F at night, and 50F during the day with a whole week of rain  :mope:
this is making it difficult to get all these baby plants acclimated  :neutral:  
saw 3 Orioles and several Goldfinch yesterday, and the pair of ducks are coming back nearly daily for a stroll through the garden  :D
the garlic bed has been loving all this rain, scapes are getting tall quick!
the pie cherry trees have started blooming  :party:
hope you all have a wonderful weekend
S.M.I.L.E. :D  and be excellent to each other
Good morning everyone. We had rain turning to hail last night, ours was small in comparison to the NE Colorado. Hope this isnt the norm again for the summer. The plants are back under lights and not happy. Like GIP, it is going to be a late plant out here.

Our garlic is doing well though no scapes are visible. Some of the Elephant garlic is quite stocky. At least the garlic and onions like this weather.

Hope you have a wonderful day. Share the joy and pay it forward.