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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Wife is taking kitten to the vet, I'm picking and shipping peppers. Need to start cutting some plants back and fertilizing. Y'all have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  Rainy and 72 with a forecasted high of 84.  Very busy work schedule today with a major review this morning.  Our peppers are really starting to come in.  With a 136 plants .... we're going to be inundated with pods very shortly.  We're thinking about harvesting some of our green chiles and firing up the drum roaster.  We've got Hatch Milds, Big Jim's, Rattlesnakes and Lumbres out there.  Seems like the chores list never ends.  I think they recognize me at the Home Depot customer service pick up counter now!  Be safe and be good.    
Good morning everyone. 68 on the way to high 80’s and a bit humid but no rain. Pulled a lot of dill this AM, saving lots of seeds for scattering in the Fall. Harry - with 139 plants you must be really busy. Sic - are you planning on growing garlic in the ground or pots? Have been reading about the destruction that nematodes do to garlic. Not pretty.

Back to the old grind. Have a wonderful day and stay healthy.
Good morning.  It's 65 on its way to 90.  Got over an inch of rain yesterday.  We won't have to water for a few days.  I'm hopeful the tomatoes don't split.  Moderate meeting schedule today.  Lots of home projects in progress.  Looking forward ..... It's going to be a busy weekend.  Be safe and be good.
Good morning everyone. No rain, no hail, 90’s again. I have to take a friend to the Dr. today so will get chores done early. Hope to pickle more beets. Sic-I figured most of you in FL grew above ground because of the nematodes. If it’s not one problem, it’s another.

Have a wonderful day and stay healthy.
Good morning.  It's 71 on its way to 91 with T Storms in the forecast this afternoon.  Busy meeting schedule today.  Today is my Friday and I'm going to shut it down a little early.  I plan on mowing this afternoon if the weather cooperates.  Adult beverages after that.  We're harvesting lots of annuums and sometime this weekend I'm going to roast/freeze.   We've finally got a few tomatoes just starting to blush.  Lot of chores this weekend too.  My son wasn't feeling well and got tested for COVID.  We're anxiously waiting on the results.   Be safe and be good.  
Good morning everyone. Cloudy with a chance of rain. We usually have monsoonal rain in July, just a bit late this year. Will move the drying garlic inside in case it rains. Gave away some produce to a guy walking his dog. He offered his labor for peppers. I’m pickling beets today, found about 5-6 half eaten so we set more mouse traps.

Hope your day goes well. All the best to Harry’s family. Prayers for his son’s recovery.
Good morning! Busy at the CG harvesting broccoli, bush beans, squash. Now to cook and freeze for winter soups. I also got my first ripe tomato, only about 3-4 oz., but I gave it to the guy who voluntarily weeds around the garden perimeter. He gets bored at home so walks to the garden to be useful. It looks like many of the tomato blossoms along with some peppers have dropped because of the heat. Not the best year for tomatoes.
I hope you all have a great day. Stay healthy and make someone's day a bit brighter.
 'I ate 6 ice cream cones yesterday' - yum! Thanks for that update, Sic.
Good morning. It's 78 on its way to 92.  Got some errands to run this morning.  More landscape projects later on this morning and then we're roasting chiles.  We picked our first tomatoes yesterday.  One big Prairie Star, a Cherokee Purple, a few Kumatos and some cherry tomatoes.  I'll probably find something to grill this evening.  Be safe and be good.
Good morning everyone. Light rain last night, while north and east of us got downpours. I’m hoping for a little more rain this weekend. Getting a small box of garlic ready for Sic. All the best for this new endeavor. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. Stay healthy. S.M.I.L.E., thanks to GIP.
Good morning everyone. Light rain overnight, a very welcome gift. Picked 3 different squash for tonight's meal on the grill - yellow One Ball, green round zucchini, yellow pattypan, all with different flavors. Plan today is to make hot dill pickle spears with the first cuke harvest. 
All the best for Sic and his wife's l-o-n-g walk. 
Have a great day and make someone's day a bit brighter.
Good morning.  Light rain and 76 .... Forecasting a high of 80. Catherine .... How was the squash?  Sic .... How was the 6 hour stroll?  We picked a dozen or so tomatoes yesterday and at least 2 dozen peppers.  Moderate meeting schedule today.  Not much else happening.  Be safe and be good.  
That's good everyone is getting bounty from there gardens. The walk was good finished right under 7 hours. Couple few minute stops were needed. Definitely had some heavy legs at the end. Mostly relaxing today. Need to pick and ship peppers and kitten has to go back to vet. It was so under nutrition they couldn't give it shots last week. Have a wonderful day and good morning.
Good morning everyone. It looks like 80’s for temps, no rain until the weekend. The yellow squash have the better flavors, really good on the grill. Zucchini are best for bread. I’m jealous with Harry’s harvests - the tomatoes must be delicious. Glad to hear Sic and his wife’s walk was successful, though 7 hours is a long walk. I’m taking my friend to a specialist this AM, better get hopping, CG first to see damage from the #%$& mice.

Have a wonderful day and stay healthy.