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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning everyone. We’re off to son’s house to help make pickles, bringing everything they need except the canner. I’ve never fermented cucumbers into pickles, so tried that last night with 1/2 gal. jars. Most of the cucumbers are sized for spears so we’ll make those today. The weather is supposed to be close to freezing after the weekend. I can move a few peppers in pots, but I may see a sad garden next week. Weird year.

Enjoy your day and save some fun for yourself. Stay healthy.
Good morning.  Lots of outdoor chores today and will fire up the smoker. Finally got the lawn mowed yesterday.  It's cool here this morning.  It's 56 on its way to 80.  Lows in the 40s are forecasted for next week.  Last evening we spent several hours trying to capture a dumbass hummingbird that found its way into the barn but couldn't find his way out.  We couldn't get him out and he's still there this morning.  Got both of the grandkids this evening/overnight.  Not sure what else is happening.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. One batch of warmer pickles done and left everything else for them to finish, probably pints this time. We picked up a dozen or so rocks to add to my small rock garden area that’s being taken over by ground cover. Garden chores at the CG and waiting for more weather reports on the cold front bringing freezing temps.

I hope your Labor Day weekend goes well. Stay healthy and hydrated.
Good morning.  It's 68 on its way to 93.  We've got both of the grand kids here.  The 3 year old is a handful and the house is a disaster!!!!  Didn't get to smoke yesterday so going out in few minutes to get that going.  College football starts today.  Beverages this evening.  Harvesting tomorrow.  Be safe and be good.  
yesterday was tough. heat got to me and had to take a 30 minute break under a tree. Was able to finish the century up but it wasnt pretty. Headed to Fort Myers today to pick up more dragon fruit cuttings and to have lunch with father in law. Have a wonderful day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 74 on its way to 92.  The forecast has a high in the 50s on Tuesday.  That will be different.  Today is harvest day.  Grilling and beverages later.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning everyone. I spent about 7 hours harvesting green and a few red tomatoes, removed all the plants, cages, etc. cucumbers are all picked, will finish the beans tomorrow. Yesterday’s high temp set a record at 101*F, and like Sic, I had to take a long break. I’m hoping to cover the hot peppers, but picked all the Fresno’s and Poblanos as they’re too scattered around. We’ll see if covering the peppers for 4-5 days will help since the low is predicted to be 24*F.

Enjoy your weekend. Stay healthy and wear those masks.
Good morning everyone. Smoky air from one of the fires has been drifting east making it hard to work outside. Lots to finish today before the cold arrives. Mother Nature has not been kind this year. Sic, how many dragon fruit cuttings did you plant? Never tasted a dragon fruit but will look for them in the store.

Hope your day goes well. Stay safe.
Good morning.  Catherine ..... 7 hours of harvesting sounds like serious work.  The wife and I harvested pods for close to 4 hours yesterday.  My back was killing me.  The wife cooked up a big Mexican Feast and the kids came out to partake.  Today, we've got pods to label and boxes to fill for shipment tomorrow.  Not sure what else we've got going on ..... no kids or grand kids today!  Another hot day today and then winter arrives tomorrow.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning.  It's 66 on its way to 70.  The wife has to drop off boxes of pods at the post office this morning.  I'm going to drive up to the office later this morning.  My meeting schedule doesn't look too bad.  Not much else happening.  Looking forward to the cooler weather.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning everyone. I finished harvesting most of the garden yesterday, but left the plants to remove for another week. Yesterday’s high temp was 92, today is 30 on its way to 35 with rain turning to snow. Met a couple people at the CG harvesting, so we shared what we could find. Finally, an inside relaxing day.

I hope your day goes well. Stay safe and take time for yourself.
Catherine dragon fruit is pretty good. We have lots of cuttings. planting them close together so they will make a tree trunk before fruiting. It will take a couple years but thats how they grow naturally. Lots of people try to tie them to posts and fence but it seems your getting smaller and less tasty fruit. But it puts fruit in the stores,but we are patient. Just got done with a quick ride with the wife. Mowing then we are both headed up to the shop.Ill be drinking as she finishes her painting. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 53 on its way to 62 with light rain.  Fairly busy meeting schedule today.  I don't have much else on the agenda.  Not sure what the wife has going on but I heard her mention no grand kids .... I guess they start school today.  The grass keeps growing and I need to mow.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning everyone. Snow is blanketing everything, hope it helps the firefighters calm a few of the wildfires. The air is crisp and quiet for now. Plans are to process a few tomatoes for soups in the winter. Today is definitely an inside day.

I hope your day goes well. Stay safe and save some time for yourself.