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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's hazy and 78F, on its way to 89F. Chance of a thunderstorm this afternoon. Thanks for the well-wishes. I feel a little better, but congestion is still a problem. The smoke from Canada has returned, so that doesn't help. I'll keep eating drugs and lying low. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe and have fun out there.
Morning cherubs - Hump Day is here - yippppeeee
Another rather warm day forecast. Watering done first thing, peppers and tomatoes health checked.
Basically nothing planned for me today, except dropping off some giant courgettes (zuccini) to neighbours for their chickens.
I'm sure something will crop up to keep entertained
Have a good Wednesday, keep cool, calm, pain-free and smile :D
Good morning. It's 74F on its way to 93F. Very humid. Storms potentially this evening. Picking blackberries, working on hot tub chemicals and maybe I'll finally get to the trimming. Later this morning, my wife is heading out to have lunch with our son. Not much else is happening. BLTs this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 78F, on its way to 86F. Not too bad, except for the humidity. Chance of showers and thunderstorms this afternoon. Typical summer forecast. Congestion is better, but balance seems to be an issue. I feel like I'm drunk. I'll stay on the meds a while longer. Might try to get down to the garden to water. I haven't been there in almost a week. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe and drink heavily, but don't drive.
Good morning. It's 74F (23C) on its way to 94F (34C). Another repeat day. Super high humidity (95%). Grass, hair and finger-nails are growing like crazy :shocked:. Major storms just to the south of us. Nothing here. Finally got that trimming done and harvested another bucket of tomatoes. We're having a tomato give away this coming weekend. Friends and family coming down from the city on Sunday to drink, chat and get some tomatoes and peppers. I've got 8 big flats of tomatoes to hopefully give away. The damn raccoons have devastated my sweet corn patch and the deer have eaten every apple off my dwarf apple trees. The deer will get their payback this fall ..... We will definitely harvest a few deer this year as they are becoming more of a nuisance than normal. It's going to be oppressive outside today. Not sure what I'm going to do. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny, humid and 67F, on its way to 88F (Real Feel 98F). Same ole Summer forecast - hot, humid with a chance of a thunderstorm. Drug myself down to the garden yesterday and watered everything. Definitely needed it. Feeling a little better today - might try and do some weeding. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and stay watered.
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Good morning. The cat woke me at 415am, and then the thunderstorm hit. Close the windows, turn off the sprinkler, then listen to the noise. Sounds like it’s going to repeat itself near noon. Outside plans are put on hold for a day or so, but the weeds love it.
I wish we lived closer, Harry. Fresh tomatoes. A work of art. Your gardens are amazing.
Just heard the WX that we may get another round of hail with this next storm - better make sure things are covered.
Have a great day with this jumbled weather. Summer sure is dealing us unexpected hands. Stay hydrated and healthy.
Good morning. Nature’s fury returned yesterday, giving us rain with pea sized hail. But 7+ miles south received the storm we had in June, wiping out gardens, trees, with heavy hail and flooding. I heard the first Rocky Ford melon crop was ruined also.
On a brighter note, we have sun and blue skies, with 90F temps returning for quite awhile. The replanted garden is coming along slowly. Lunch with the gals today, the chatty ones.
Have a great Friday. Stay healthy and safe.
Good morning. It's 70F on its way to 84F. Heavy overcast with light sprinkles. Nice and cool for a couple days and then back to near 100F. Got out early and picked a bucket of tomatoes and a few ginormous orange spice jalapeno peppers. Checked on the superhots and they're loaded with green pods .... they should start turning in August. Taking big Moe Moe the cat to vet this morning for a checkup. I think my wife is having lunch with a friend here at the house so I'm going to find a place to get lost. Chili dogs this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 76F, on its way to 85F. Calling for sunshine and humidity. Went down to the garden yesterday but couldn't do much. Might try again today. Hope everybody has a fantastic Friday. Be safe and have fun out there.
Just mowed yestercday and skipped out on my chores. Buddy flys out this evening and is moving his family to Spring Hill a hour away. Not sure his family is very happy and it all seems kinda urgent. Whatever just dont bring your problems to me. I had to tell him that his whole family couldnt stay one night next week before they move into new place. His kids are totally disrespectful which in turn makes the parents disrespectful. The kids are not allowed. Last time they were here one of them was punching my lap top and thats just the icing on the cake. Whatever not my problem. Just chilling and waiting for dude to bounce. We are very private and 8 days of dude sitting in the carport smoking all day has ran its course. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's partly sunny and 64F, on its way to 84F. Should be a nice day. Went down to the garden and did some weeding. Probably go down today for more of the same. You're a good friend Sic. Eight-day visits are stretching it. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Stay safe and have some fun today.
Good morning. It's 64F on its way to 88F. Still nice with a chance of rain this afternoon. Moe Moe the big cat now has diabetes and requires insulin shots twice daily. Good grief. Heading to the Farmer's Market in a few minutes. Trading some tomatoes for sweet corn and pickling cucumbers. After that I'm headed to the meat market and then I'm going to mow this afternoon ..... WX permitting. Got a case of poison ivy on my neck and throat .... I know exactly where I got it trimming. A little uncomfortable. Grilling and multiple beverages this evening. Sic .... I hear ya. I can't hardly stand it to have people visit for just a day .... not to mention a week. When my sister visits, she comes and goes and we really don't see much of her until the evenings. That's OK with me. Be safe and be good.