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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. Looks like a beautiful day to get a few things done outside. Going up to the CG this AM, haven’t been there all week because of the rains.
Sic-you are one patient guy to put up with people assuming they can stay with you while dealing with their problems. I doubt moving his family will reduce problems.
Have a great day. Enjoy being outdoors in beautiful weather. Stay hydrated and healthy. (Sorry about poison ivy, Harry. That is terrible).
Morning chickens, Sunday is here - cool, dull day and we actually had about 15 drops of rain 😲
Not much planned today, bbq and beer, although if it doesn't warm up a bit that could be soup and I shall have to put jeans and a sweater on.
Have a good Sunday, keep warm, calm, pain-free and smile :D
I fully agree Catherine. Chores today then chilling. Not much poison Ivy in these parts. It was everywhere in TN and I had become a expert at stopping the spread when I would get some on me. I had scrubs that could be used a couple hours after attracting and several lotions depending on how bad it was. It was my evil nemesis. Dudes would end up in the hospital with it at times. in their lungs and eyes. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's 67F (19C) on its way to 97F (36C). Sic .... Yep. I've pretty much had poison ivy everywhere at one time or another. There's tons of it here. I got on me while trimming. I've never been hospitalized for it but have got steroid shots for it before. This is a pretty ugly breakout as I usually just get it on my legs and arms. This time it's on my neck and throat and I noticed a spot on my forearm this morning. Anyway .... enough of that.
Today is the big tomato give away .... the festivities start at noon. We're starting off with a lunch of caprese grilled cheese sandwiches and cherry tomato salad .... by then the beers will be flowing and we'll see where it goes from there.
I've got to pick tomatoes this morning and I've got some tree pruning to do too. Then it's entertaining and beer drinking. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 75F, on its way to 85F. Chance of a thunderstorm this afternoon. Went down to the garden and did some maintenance work yesterday. Today I'm gonna just chill and watch some golf. P.I. sucks. Hope everybody has a peaceful and restful Sunday. Be safe out there and enjoy yourself.
Morning all - Monday came around far too fast.
Rain overnight, cool and windy today - perfect for having the oven on and baking cakes for the charity shop.
Then this afternoon doing everything I should've done over the weekend 😊
Have a good Monday, keep cool, dry, calm, pain-free and smile :D
Good morning. WX says we’ll get to triple digits today, so I’m going early to the CG. Then it’s Monday errands, coffee group, and chill. At least the garlic likes the heat. They seem to be drying pretty well. More iris to divide when it cools down, maybe much later.
Have a great day. Enjoy the cooler temps, Tink. Bless you for working hard at the charity shop.
Good morning. Its 76F on its way to 98F. Our triple digits arrive tomorrow. My poison ivy is really nasty. Hoping I don't have to go and get a shot. The tomato giveaway went great. Gave away lots of tomatoes, okra, eggplant, blackberries, peppers, onions, potatoes, home canned goods and beets. Good to see that inventory leave the property. Storms in the area right now. I moved all the vehicles outside to hopefully get a redneck carwash. My wife is heading to town for a dental appointment. I'm going to check on what's going on at the office then who knows with the rain. Not complaining .... we need it. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 72F, on its way to 87F. Chance of showers and thunderstorms. Typical Summer weather. I've got poison ivy that needs pulling. I keep putting it off, and it keeps spreading. I guess ignoring it doesn't work. Maybe I'll tackle that another day, ha. Probably head down to the garden and water. Can't really count on those scattered showers. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and stay wet.
Hey hey - survived the dreaded Monday and Tuesday is here - see how we're galloping towards the weekend already?
Anyways work all day today. Weather has taken a turn for the worst, high of 18C today with light rain - it's all good for the garden. I suspect the heat will turn on again once we hit August.
I picked the first bowl of ripe tomatoes yesterday - absolutely delicious.
Have a good Tuesday - keep warm, calm, pain-free and smile :D
Good morning. Another hot day, only got to 99F yesterday. Don’t want the triple digits. I’m hoping to dig iris today, but nothing much is planned, just weeding. The bugs are enjoying the beans I planted, at least I haven’t seen many Japanese beetles like last year. They are horrible.
Have a great day and stay cool. Healing for Harry’s poison ivy woes.
Good morning. It's 77 on its way to 100F. Catherine .... we are over-run with Japanese beetles ..... I hung 4 beetle bags 2 weeks ago .... They're at least half full of those nasty things. They're gonna make me spray ..... we don't like to. They are attracted to the dozens of rose bushes we have around the house. The poison ivy is slowly getting better .... I popped the oozing mass of blisters with a needle and slathered everything with ivy dry. Heading out to the Monarch's baseball game later this morning. Back home this afternoon to work in the garden. Grilling and beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 75F, on its way to 85F. Had a whopper of a thunderstorm last night, isolated right over us. Flash flood warnings, lightening strikes and 2.5" of rain in about an hour. Two miles from here got nothing. And, of course, I watered the whole garden yesterday, lol. Anyway, pulling weeds might be a little easier today. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there and eat more BBQ.
Been a while. Been keeping busy, and tending to the plants.

The Agave Tequilana is over two feet tall (.60m) and very glaucous. There are two pups growing in separate containers,
and three more growing at the base. The Gator Jigsaw Purple is 16 inches (.41m) at three months old and blooming.
Not sure if I should ignore the blooms or try to pollinate this early.

Atempting to grow garlic in a pot as well.
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Morning all - Hump Day is here and brings cooler temps and possible light showers this afternoon.
Watered the peppers in pots and will do the peppers in the garden tomorrow.
Mr Tinks said: "let's pull the fridge out and clean the filters!" - what an excellent idea, NOT! This could take all day :lol:
So that's my day taken care of, if there's any daylight left by the time the fridge is put back I shall be running errands and filling in paperwork.
Have a good Wednesday - be calm, cool, pain-free and smile :D (even if you hate cleaning)
Only 8 lawns to mow today which is actually my easiest day as they are small and 3 stops. I do 5 of them at one stop in 90 minutes. Need to look at a weed eater also as it started acting up couple days ago. Maybe guitar with a buddy tonight? Still hot still lots of rain still miserable, got some new work pants to wear though,lol. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. It's 84F on its way to 103F. Heat Index will be north of 110F this afternoon. I think I'm starting to turn the corner on the poison ivy. I've got (2) 6 gallon buckets of tomatoes to process this morning. It will be hours just to cut them up. Also have to clean-out the vehicle I'm taking to Canada and start packing. Picking cherry tomatoes and blackberries this morning too. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 72F, on its way to 93F. Harry's heat is starting to hit here. The rest of this week is forecast to be in the 90's. Pulled some weeds and picked BLACKberries yesterday. Today is errand day. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe and be cool out there.
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