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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's overcast and 36F, on its way to 46F. Calling for rain/drizzle most of the day. Unfortunately, we'll be out in it to see the eye Dr. Then home and wait for the dilating stuff to wear off. Managed to get the lights up on the house yesterday. Oh what fun! Not sure what else is on the agenda today. Might get to that jelly later on. Catherine, I'll make Habanero Gold for sure. Might also make this Chocolate Raspberry Jam stuff. I do not like it - tastes like that stuff inside a piece of Whitman's chocolate, but the MIL loves it. We usually give most of it to her, lol. Hope everybody has a fantastic Friday. Be safe out there and don't work too hard.
Good morning. Downriver, thanks for the jam suggestion - I haven’t made any Habanero Gold for many years. Time to start again. The sun is finally out, but still cold temps. Hubby is off to breakfast w/the guys so I’ll start gathering Christmas gifts and get more organized. I’ve been perusing seed catalogs and am downsizing a bit. Not easy to get old.
Have a wonderful Saturday. Take time for yourself during these busy holidays.
Good morning. There's dense fog out there and 39F, on its way to 62F. Chance of a shower this morning, then cloudy and overcast all day. But, with 62F, I hope to do a few things outside today, like fix that 6' section of xmas lights on the house that now don't work. Grrr. Also might try to catch a little college football this afternoon. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Stay safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. It's 34F on its way to 38F. We've got the dense fog here too. Not doing anything outside today. Watching soccer then football. My wife is having lunch with a friend. I might make a run to the liquor store (not sure yet) :beer:. I throw my seed catalogs away as soon as I get them. Don't need anything around here that will tempt us to buy more seeds :banghead:. We need to use up existing inventory. Plenty of leftovers to consume this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's overcast and 51F, on its way to 65F. Chance of a few showers today. Got the Xmas lights fixed yesterday. Squirrel ate about 4" of wire. Had to patch it. Good as (almost) new. Also finished up the lights on the bushes and such. Christmas lights are now done for this year. Yay. Not sure what's going on today. Probably catch some NFL. Plan on grilling some chicken this evening. Hope everybody has a peaceful and restful Sunday. Be safe out there and finish up those Christmas decorations, lol.
Good morning. It's 34F on its way to 50F. Got wrapped up in work stuff earlier so I'm getting a late start. Doing office work ..... I might watch a little NFL later on. Grilling pork chops tonight. Be safe and be good.
Morning all - wet, windy, stormy Monday is here - bugger off I say!
It's so lovely to sleep in my own bed - I'm never working away again, although I always say this after a tough weekend.
Not much planned for today except making some mince pies for Christmas and chicken tikka masala for tonight, I fancy a curry.
Have a good Monday - keep warm, dry, calm and smile :D
Good morning. It's 29F on its way to 50F. Looks like it's going to be a fairly nice day. Planning on working in the basement office until noon then I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Beef chow mein this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. The snow melted quickly so today should be a great one. Tink, it’s always the best sleep in your own bed. Chicken tikka masala is one of our faves. Yum. We have 2 great restaurants that make the dish better than I can. Thanks for the whiff reminder.
Monday errands, coffee group, still working on boxes - will be glad when all are finished and sent.
Have a wonderful Monday. Stay warm and healthy.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 38F, on its way to 50F. Might see a little sunshine today, but not much. Today might be jelly day. Not sure yet because I don't know what else is on the schedule. I think a dump run might be needed. Other than that.....? Glad you survived the weekend Tink, and have returned to the roost. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Hammered with snow all day yesterday, main highway was closed most of the day going east bound toward Denver. They cancelled the ski race due to wind and snow.

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Morning all - no snow here yet - it's not looking too bad out there this a.m., chilly but no rain and no frost.
Work all day, so furry leggings, scarf, hat, mitts, ski coat, flask, husky - the works :lol:
And I have curry leftovers for dinner - get in!
Have a good Tuesday, keep warm, calm, dry and smile :D
Good morning. It's 35F on its way to 45F. A couple of meetings until mid-morning then running errands to the liquor store and then wherever else. Might make a run up to the big city ...... we'll see. Tamales this evening. Beverages later on. Be safe and be good.