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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's foggy and 34F, on its way to a beautiful 67F. Well, I probably killed the peach trees yesterday, but they are now pruned. That was their first one, so it was pretty severe. Not sure if we'll get any peaches this year, lol. Time will tell, I guess. I did look at the blackberries as well, but I'm not sure if I can tell the difference between primocanes and floricanes. It's supposed to be pretty easy, so I guess I'll have to crawl in there today and take a closer look. Also spent some time cleaning up the garden. Got some things done. Still (a lot) more to go. So, that's today's activities. Hope everyone has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and try not to get too muddy.
Good morning. 24-48F, no moisture yet. I have a medical test early this AM, so only slept a few hours. Nothing much on today’s docket. We stopped by the CG yesterday and saw only a few weeds, but no garlic up yet. Still haven’t decided which tomatoes to plant since I’m cutting back. Maybe I can ‘find room’ at home or in a pot for new varieties. Probably not.
Have a great Monday. Stay healthy and safe.
Good morning. It's 61F on its way to 75F. Warm, humid and breezy. Maybe a T-Storm late this afternoon (hopefully). Office work this morning. Spring cleaning and futzing this afternoon. No mud here. We are very dry right now. Our mud dried up early this year (2 weeks ago). The flowers are blossoming. Stroganoff this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning.

4in yesterday that melted due to 48 degrees. Over 4in this morning. Suppose to get to 47 today. I hate snow! My poor bulb plants flowered last week. Seen some honey bees last week as well. Poor little guys.

Sic. I hope you feel better brother. I think baths with baking soda helps for hives. I can’t remember though.

Playing some guitar. House chores and gun shop. Picked up our fishing licenses yesterday. Wooohooo! March 1st - March 31st 2025!!!

Have a good day!
Good morning. It's cloudy and 48F, on its way to 66F. Chance of a shower this morning, then clearing this afternoon. Got the blueberries and the blackberries pruned yesterday. Also did some more garden cleanup. I kept a bunch of peach tree cuttings, plus some blackberry rootings. Will pot those up this afternoon. One of the cats has a vet appointment this morning, so that's first on today's list. Hope you're doing better, Sic. Benadryl and/or Cortisone cream, perhaps? Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there and fire up those grills!
Good morning. It's 43F on its way to 60F. Cold :) ! Yesterday, I cleaned up the back patio and the BBQ shed. I also got the furniture and the grills/smokers all situated. Today, I'm working for most of the day. I'm still waiting for my chinenses to pop and getting ready to start the rest of my plants this weekend. Grilling a pork loin this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. 25-49F and sunny. Looks like a great day to finish melting snow and pulling a few grass mounds in my neighbor’s garden. Since his wife died he had had other ‘gardeners-for-hire’ working on his area. Grass tends to move to his side of the yard.
Only a few errands this AM, then dentist for hubby so I have time to play in the mud.
Have a great Tuesday. Enjoy the garden and your free time. Glad you’re feeling a bit better, Sic.
Good morning. It's 34F on its way to 64F. Working this morning and then futzing this afternoon. Checked my chinenses this morning and they're starting to pop and I've turned the lights on. Not much else is on the agenda for today. Chili dogs this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's foggy and 50F, on its way to 61F. Calling for "periods of rain" today. Sounds like an inside day. Spent some time in the garden yesterday. Made some good progress. Now it's time to wait for the ground to dry out enough to bring out the tiller. Not sure what's on the agenda for today. Probably mess with seeds. Hey, maybe I'll plant some! lol. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and enjoy the day.
Good morning. 24-55F, waiting for the rain tomorrow. We have 2 meetings today after coffee group, then I hope to actually walk near the mud in the CG. Note to self - bring mud shoes. Layette assembly tomorrow so I need to get things put away before the gals come to help.
Have a wonderful Wednesday. Great to hear Harry’s peppers are popping. Summer is slowing on its way. Stay safe and healthy.
Morning lovely people - the sun is out for today, then we have rain again for the next few days - I'm so bored with it now.
Anyways to the positive bits of dry days, got my first wave of pepper seeds potted up yesterday and they are relaxing on the heat mat.
I get so ridiculously excited about seeds then spend all night worrying about them :lol:
Hope to get down the garden and do some tidying up this afternoon.

Happy birthday @Harry_Dangler

Have a good Thursday, keep calm, warm and smile :D
Birthday boy Harry :bday: :onfire: :woohoo: :beer::high::drunk: Couple errands this morning and mow the back yard. Have a buddy and his wife staying the night. They are returning from a cruise and plane back to TN dont leave until tomorrow. Im on the mend from my chigger/hive escaped. We will be playing guitar and drinking most of the day and evening. Have a great day and good morning.
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Good morning. It's cloudy and 51F, on its way to 64F. Might see some sun today, which will be nice. :bday: Happy Birthday, Harry! :bday: Hope you have a great day! Meanwhile, running BIL to a Dr's appt this morning, then home and futz. Might hit the garden later, if the weather permits. Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and celebrate the day with Harry!
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Good morning and Happy Birthday Harry! :bday: I hope your special day is filled with lotsa fun things.
Cloudy here, WX says rain, then snow. That’s OK as I checked out the CG and have garlic sprouting. Pulled a few weeds, invading grass so it’s all good for now.
Layette assembly this AM then a bit of shopping for bday gifts for both son and daughter. Nice to have their bdays close and done for a year.
Have a wonderful Thursday. Celebrate with Harry, with lots of ice cream.
Good morning. It's 47F on its way to 57F. Rain is on the way! It's maybe 2 hours away right now. Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes and I'm glad to see some of "our" ailments are doing better. I'm going to start tomatoes and annuums today .... futzing after that. I noticed that the trees are leafing out. With the rain today and warm temperatures early next week, I expect the morels will be coming up. Looking forward to the hunt. Also, the walleyes have started their spawn and I expect the crappie to move to the bank in the next few weeks. This is at least 1 month ahead of schedule. Probably have to start mowing before April :banghead: ! Grilling salmon pinwheels this evening. Be safe and be good. S.M.I.L.E.
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Good morning. It's sunny and 43F, on its way to 61F. Nice day to work in the garden...hopefully. For a few years, I've been casually looking for a used little 4x6 trailer, to pull around the yard behind the Gator or Kabota mainly, and yesterday I stumbled across one. It's a commercial trailer (not homemade), and is actually a 4x8 foot, with a 2-foot-high wooden railing around it. Great price, but had to make a 3-hour round trip to pick it up. That was ok. It's just what I've been looking for, and it was a nice day for a drive.🙂 Anyway, hope everybody has a fantastic Friday. Be safe out there and enjoy the day.
Good morning. It's 46F on its way to nowhere. Cool, foggy and drizzly. @ DR .... good catch on that trailer. I got the annuums and tomatoes started yesterday. I found out yesterday that my buddies all started their plants at least a month ago betting on the weather and an early plant out. They're way ahead of me and currently have plants as tall as 8" under lights. Doing office work until early afternoon and then futzing. Maybe some mud walking. We got about an inch of rain yesterday and the mud is back for a few days. Having some kind of oriental noodles tonight (I admit I wasn't listening when my wife told me :) ). Nothing much else is going on. Be safe and be good.