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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

It's sunny and 58F, on its way to 78F. Another beautiful day. Found a dead deer in the pole barn yesterday. It was young - probably 30-40 lbs. No outward sign of injury. Called all the people one would call (Sherriff's office, Dept of Natural Resources, Wildlife Management) and nobody seemed interested. With hemoragic fever and chronic wasting disease spreading in Virginia, I thought somebody might find it curious. Nope. And, since it was on private property, disposal was my problem. They did suggest I dig a hole and bury it. So, that's what I did. Then, I headed to the garden and pulled weeds, albeit two hours later than planned. Gonna plant some tomatoes today, dammit! Have a great Friday everybody. Good Morning!
Good morning. Forecast is for 90+F for the next 4 days, so I’d better get stuff done early. Community Garden today, time to start mulching and keep the weeds down. I’m meeting a guy who has been at the garden for 5 years and seems to want help. Hope I can change his attitude.
Have a wonderful Friday and stay healthy.
Morning all - temps over 30 deg. C forecast for today so I was out early hoe-hoe-hoeing before the bitey things were awake.
I have a very small fatali plant peeking out in the incubator, really excited about this as I've never had much luck with fatalis before. Looks like the heat mat is earning its keep.
Hardening off some of the larger pepper plants today and making sure the tiddlers don't get cooked again. Have a good weekend.
Got rained out yesterday, didnt get Uncle Bens but he told us to skip it and thats ok with me. I get payed the same amount every month so we went home and relaxed. Today is going to be a wash out also. We are going to do a few chores then watch movies and cuddle all day. Got a chicken pulled for tacos all day. No stress at all today. Have a wonderful day and good morning.
Good morning. It's 70 (21c) on its way to 91 (33c). Should be nice .... maybe a little hot. I need to mow and trim today. I'm also planning on planting a few straggler tomatoes. 3 are going in containers on the walkout and there's room for 4 in the garden. That will give us around 80 tomato plants and 50 pepper plants. I was finally able to get the boat out yesterday. Everything seemed to work as advertised. Got the displays and trolling motor calibrated. It was nice to finally to get it out. Next time out it will be serious fishing. No cuddling happening here :shocked:! Got steaks marinating to grill this evening but tacos sound good. Beverages later on :beer:. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's overcast with showers, 59F on its way to 70F. Supposed to clear a bit by afternoon. Got some tomatoes in the ground yesterday - yay! Also, more beans and okra planted. Good day in the garden. Today I'm going to install grab bars in my Mothers' shower. Should be fun. Hope everybody has a great, cuddly, Saturday!
Good morning. 100F predicted for today, so I’d better get stuff done early. I actually purchased pepper plants and could not believe how much they’re charging for plants this late in the season. On a better note, seeds are beginning to pop. The deck is not finished yet - no cuddling here.
Have a wonderful day. Stay cool and hydrated.
Morning all, not so hot today and a nice breeze, will try and pot up some more chilli plants today. Woke at 4.30 a.m. panicking that my plants are too late to give a good harvest this year - bugger! Managed to mangle my thumb last Tuesday, now it's swollen and looking green under the nail, sorry TMI :D Docs on Tuesday, amazing how handicapped I am without my thumb. Still got another on my other hand. Have a good Sunday :lol:
were all thumbs here. Not planning on doing much today. We traveled to Zephyrhills to the super walmart yesterday, what a pathetic place filled with demons. Have been up since 3 already. Once 4 hits the dogs become starving monsters that wont leave you alone so there was no back to sleep. watched the warren Jeff documentary on Netflix already today. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. The temp hit 102F yesterday and we went shopping for bathroom sinks. We went to 3 Lowe’s to find 4 of them - inventory is quite low. Today is the bathroom cleanups and boxing stuff we forget about under the sink. It looks like the plants survived the heat better than I did.
Have a wonderful Sunday. Take time for yourself.
Good morning. It's 80 (27c) on its way to 95 (35c). Mowed yesterday. Also got the very last of the paste tomatoes planted, staked and caged. The peppers are starting to look happy with the arrival of the hot weather. Harvested some more radishes yesterday. The potatoes and blackberries are in blossom. Noticed a few Colorado Potato Beetles yesterday. I wish they would stay in Colorado! Not much going on today. Heading to the match this afternoon. Taking it easy after that. Be safe and be good.
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Good morning. It's cloudy and 66F on its way to 80F. A few showers this morning, making way for some sunshine this afternoon. Don't know what's on the agenda. Probably a nice day to chill and rest up for the coming week. Have a wonderful Sunday everybody.
Good morning. 95F today, Monday errands, coffee club, but first to the CG to water. Yesterday daughter and I visited a nursery to pick out plants for the 2 planters I gave her. I can’t believe the prices of plants - $7@, which adds up quickly. Told her we’ll think about digging stuff from my garden next year, or start seeds. Not sure she wants that, but maybe we can save a few of her seeds.
Have a wonderful day. Enjoy earth’s beauty.
It's sunny and 73F, on its way to 86F. The beginning of hot and humid for at least the next ten days. Pretty hot for June. Plan on working in the garden today, until the heat runs me off. Hope everybody has a nice Monday. Good Morning!
Good morning. It's 80 (27c) on its way to 98 (37c). Hot and humid. Looks like a 3 day strecth of excessive heat and humidity is in the forecast. Got the irrigation system setup for the garden .... might have to use it soon! Not sure what we've got going on today. I've got retirement paperwork stuff to do that will take a little while. Be safe and be good.
Have to do some change oil and blades on mower will also pressure wash it. Sharpen a few sets of blades and do a little odd work in the barn. Bike ride first. Chilling with my beautiful wife this evening, im a lucky dude. Be careful out there, lots of demons. Peace and good morning.
Good morning. It's 80 (27c) on its way to 95 (35c). Another brutally hot day. Got the irrigation system going this morning. Taking the "newest" truck to the shop for routine maintenance later this morning. Might spend some time in the redneck pool this afternoon :metal:. Be safe and be good.