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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. It's sunny and 3F, on its way to 20F. WXGesser says "extreme cold can be dangerous for outdoor activities". Works for me. Inside it is, ha. Sliced up 10lbs of beef yesterday to make jerky. It's been in the marinade overnight. I need to finish up by loading the trays and firing up the dehydrator today. The house is gonna smell pretty good this afternoon! Not sure what else might be on the agenda. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and dream of Spring.
Good morning. It's 23F on its way to 29F. Another cold front has arrived and its frigid and blustery. No melting of my driveway glacier today! This has been a terrible January. I'm sick of it! @ Catherinew: Please stop sending your WX my way :).
Casual futzing and indoor chores today. More leftovers this evening. Be safe and be good.
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Good morning. 13-31F, hopefully no wind to share this frigid weather. ‘Most’ of the main streets are bare, but the residential ones are a mess. The WXers say more snow this weekend for us, at least we can handle it. I’m meeting a friend for lunch, making banana bread, and watching old shows. How long until Spring?
Enjoy the day as best you can. No bugs yet.
Good morning. It's sunny and 5F, on its way to 36F. Maybe a little melting this afternoon? One can only hope. @ Harry, please quit sending your weather my way, lol! Jerky got done yesterday. Came out pretty good. It's a pretty mild batch, because everybody said I was making it too spicy. They still ate it, of course, ha. Need to pack for a quick trip North tomorrow. Don't know what else is on the agenda, but I hope it's inside! Hope everybody has a terrific Thursday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.