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Good samaritan

I have a hand-me-down car that has been rear-ended one too many times, the bumper cover is currently being held on mostly by duct tape. Mostly. Yesterday about halfway home on the highway the duct tape failed. I got off the highway and proceeded into the right lane, dragging the bumper cover, which was dragging close to the line behind me. other cars were giving me a wide berth, in spite of it being rush hour. I was headed for the gas station at the corner, when the car in the lane in front of me stopped- and the driver got out. The muscular man haeded toward the drivers side of my car with such seriousness that my son started thinking, "oh this is not going to be good."

when he got within speaking distance he said, "Would you like me to take the bumper off of your car?"

Oh, yes! the very nice man told me that him and his wife were just driving home, he saw my dilemma and felt he ought to stop and see if he could help. He also gave me his card, told me he did body work, explained to my adult son (who'd been sizing him up) exactly what he would do to fix it and how much it would cost. He gave me his number and mentioned he was in construction and he did a lot of work on the side (lamndscaping, hauling, etc.) so if I needed anything, this was his business number.

I have to tell you, for as rough as people claim my side of town is, I have met more good than bad.

Thought I'd share!
Your duct tape served you well for as long as it could! And it's nice to hear a helping story. I know there are MANY more out there, we just don't hear about them.
Thats something that you don't hear about much!!!! hell here (in Cleveland) the other night one guy shot and killed another guy over a friggin parking space. When you hear stories like your it just reminds you that there are still some good people in this mixed up world....
I'm not sure if the samaritans are a vanishing species. Maybe it's just that people (the media?) think that only a bad story is a good story and that we only hear about the bad stuff.