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Got bit by an Assassin Bug


Extreme Member
I got bit by an assassin bug a few minutes ago and dang if it didn't sting...about as bad as a bee sting...it was in the left sleeve of my long BBQ gloves and when I took them off, it was hanging on with its proboscis stuck in my arm just above my wrist...made a small welt but that has gone down now...the welt looked like a bee sting...red spot in the middle and a white raised area about 3/8" in diameter...

Have read the reaction symptoms and will be on the lookout for them..."symptoms of swelling of the eyelids and face, loss of nervous control, high fever, anemia and destruction of the cardiac and skeletal muscles. This disease is not common in the United States."

I think it is an adolescent...probably just a dang teenager trying to "get over" on the old folks... ;)


Good shot, look at those hooks he's armed with.
If you don't have chlorox, see if you have summer/winter savory herb and some honey, that may help as well (works on wasp/bee stings).
Never heard of an assassin beetle, guess I get to do some googling - hope you didn't just pull my leg.
after further reading, the symptoms quoted above are for the "Bloodsucking conenose"...I am pretty sure I got bit by a "wheelbug"...both are types of Assassin Bugs...

the swelling is gone and so is the welt...I probably have enough capsaicin in my bloodstream to make him sick or die if I hadn't killed him...

all is cool....
Sorry to hear of your pain AJ! I have had a lot of those this year. Have not noticed them so much in the past. They have been all over my plants along with the lady bugs and the usual Lace wings. I have yet to be bitten but have a coworker who has. Yours does look like a teenager. Here's a pic of an adult wheel bug.

Cheers Mike

I dissagree with chileaddict. I think WD 40 is the best bee sting neutralizer. It has fish oil in it.

Tell that to my organic chemistry professor from Texas A&M University. We had to learn the chemical formula that stretched from one end of the room to the other. The ingredient in the bee venom took half the chalkboard and the neutralizer took the other half...the active ingredient in Chlorox. His daughter in south Texas was bitten hundreds of time in an attack, and luckily his wife remembered what the professor told her. She treated her daughter with Chlorox and saved her life. I also had a yellow jacket sting me on the thumb. It felt like I was hit by a hammer. I put Chlorox on it immediately, and in about 5 minuted I could not even feel or tell I had ever been bitten.:)
I dissagree with chileaddict. I think WD 40 is the best bee sting neutralizer. It has fish oil in it.

That is a myth.

AJ, hope you're doing alright. Too bad about that bug. The assassin in your pic is like the juvenile ones here in my backyard. Man they can kill some bugs!! Had no idea they'd bite people's too! Forget the WD40 and clorox remedies. Rub some puree on it. You'll soon forget about the wound. :lol:
well, I went to see a buddy of mine play a couple of sets, knocked back a few shiners and I can't even tell I got bit...

I will say this...that sucker stung...I am just glad it wasn't a brown recluse or black widow that decided to get into my BBQ gloves...***Note to self - move gloves into the house***

thanks for the chlorox advice...I never knew that...

TB...I can't waste the puree on such a small thing...I can stand the pain but the pain of being out of puree would hurt much much more...
If you also grew tobacco and had dried it, you would pick a bit, chew it and put it on the welt. It works wonders on bee and wasp stings.
this is what the ones in my garden look like (not sure which type of assassin bug it is)


saw a few nymphs this year as well that looked like this , I love the way they handle aphids :D
I should not have advised Chlorox for this particular insect venom. I only know how it affects bee stings. If you later notice some symptoms, see a doctor. Read about Chaga's Disease to see why. I am aware of the fish oil myth and WD40.