• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

grantmichaels [2013, 2015, 2016]

I'm thinking I might do a glog this time around ...

I'm really good about photodoc'ing, but a little lax w/ posting ...

New arrivals from CCN soaking up the negative ions and perking up after their trip down the Eastern Coast ...

Those little germinators should work great.
good luck going forward.
I've been going back and forth on picking up an Aerogarden for 2-3 years now.
In truth, I don't have a great location for one, and one my kitties devours all that's green and within reach (which is everything, for him) ...
I've done dirt, hydro, aero & mist, and petri dish growing in times past - you name it, I've at least tinkered w/ it, surely ...
Doing the transitions between hydro and dirt is a lossy transfer, to borrow from other realms ...
So, you know, you can do as little or as much as you want ... I'm going to borrow some stuff from indoor growing, but living in Florida, I'm going to end up dirt, outside in the end ...
Last night I rejected the Aerogarden for the time being, even though I realize there's a lot more bang for your buck in the unit itself for the $, and went w/ their nutrients and a fluoro rig w/ a capillary mat ...
I don't feel like I need the best hydro nutrients anymore, just I wanted the easiest ... so I bought the Aerogarden nutrient mix for ease of use (limited ph testing and no ratios etc) in my little cups, and probably to use for the bottom-feeding via the capillary mat ...
Here's the little fluoro light rig:
And here's a helpful PDF w/ a nice cross-section etc:
Folks can toss about whether it's worth it's cost, but it's highly subjective ...
What I'm planning to do, is start my seeds in the little cups (can be seen in prev post), placed in the little rig under the lights, and just let them do their thing in my house - which maintains a pretty consistent 73-74F ...
Once the little homies roots start to pop out of the rockwool spike or they bump their domes, I'll plant the RW spike in a small 2" x 2" x 2" or whatever those little one's I have outside (from previous CCN orders) are, and place them on the capillary mat, and fill the bottom reservoir w/ nutrient water.
I might even agitate said water - have pumps around from previous experiments w/ AACT etc ...
Once they are big enough that the wasps and lizards won't eat them (like last time) outside, I'll just repot from the small pots to the 1 gal root pouches and place them out on the edge of the carport where I plan to grow them this season, using reflected light ...
I would like to setup a raingutter system on the edge of my carport w/ a float, so I'll probably go forth w/ that part of the plan still, but I can do that whenever along the way ...
I don't know ... it seems like a decent plan ... anyone see a problem I'm not taking into consideration? ...
I'll be checking out aspirin this time around, too ...


I've posted it before, but I never tried it ...

I shared that w/ HTH recently, I wonder if he tried it or not, because I saw he saved his cutting ...

It appears to finally have been studied, too ...

Check it out for yourselves a bit and feel free to share your thoughts ...
MoNat is threatening 32F now, Thu night ...
That makes the decision to keep them inside easier ...
They're spending tonight out of the box, on my desk under the halogen, but still with their root-ball wrapped loosely in saran ...
I'll just put them in the small square pots in promix and let them be indoors under the fluoro while the weather works itself out here over a couple of weeks ...
No hurry, here ...
These pots are pretty small <2"W X <2"D X <3"T, but it'll be fine for a few weeks ...
given the low cost of air-stones and air-pumps these days, and the severely restricted amount of time I had to do research tonight, I ordered some fresh bits to aerate the reservoir under the capillary mat from Amz after finding at least one thing to substantiate my gut hypothesis ...



Delightfully surprised that there's already new growth on the plugs ... so far, so good ...
I'm supposed to be starting a few seeds tonight, but I find myself w/ a *bunch* of seeds out right now ...
Maybe I'll grow a couple more than I was planning to ... famous last words ...
Decisions, decisions ...
I've got going:
3x c. reaper (crazy hot seeds)
3x choc. bhutlah (crazy hot seeds)
3x mystery wine (joyner's)
I'm definitely starting:
3x mystery citrus ( http://thehotpepper.com/topic/31203-chiltepin-tiny-orange-pepper-from-miami-of-unknown-origin/?p=631134 )
3x naga viper (crazy hot seeds)
3x choc. fatali (baker's)
And I need a thai chili:
3x super chili (hirt's hurts)
With limited slots, I have to grow stuff I know and love cooking with (and have saved seed from), over stuff that I think I'd like to grow, but haven't had ...
Maybe I should source a different chili, though ... we'll see ...
grantmichaels said:
3x choc. bhutlah (crazy hot seeds)
Nice, i didn't remember that this one was for sale. That one will be really nasty for sure!
grantmichaels said:
famous last words
Ha ha i understand!
I really have room issues (mostly the for light).
2 days ago i went to a friend's home and had some south italian dried peppers... Well i still have no annums on my growth... So i picked one, probably i'm going to plant something again. :D
LOL, yeah ...
I'm doing everything in my power to keep it reasonable! ...
I am going to do some fun stuff, though, I think ...
I'm most excited about finally doing a raft system for some lettuce, though, once I get my pepper plants started back up ...
The start I'm THE most excited about ...


I gave some seeds to JHP, so now, I have to hurry and plant these or someone else will be the only person getting to eat them!


They are like fruit loops w/ capsaicin drops ... move over sugar cubes.


Can. Not. Wait.
Little update ...

The first Mystery Wine jumped out of the rockwool ... bizarro ...

Coiling the root back in might be less than optimal, but it was convenient and seemed the least destructive ...


The others ...



dome's off!

Choc. bhutlah's looking good ...


Roots growing out of the bottoms ... I'm going to plant these out this weekend while I'm BBQ'ing ...


Speaking of BBQ, some love for my glog ...


Just cleaned up where it had leaked out of a bag poke all over the bottom shelf and drawers =(


Happy growing!
Oh, almost forgot ...
Decided to pick up a 4-pack of plants from Juanitos, too ...
Scotch Bonnet MoA
Rocoto Manzano Rojo
Aji Pineapple
I've noticed these plants on a lot of people's lists, and thought I might like to be able to have 1 ea to try the pods from ...