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Green Habs

First time hab grower here. I know that they will be HOT when ripe, but I want to work my way up to there heat level. Would eating a couple of green ones be a good test first, then work my way up to ripe ones? Last year I only grew Jalapenos and I'm scared of my habs!
First time hab grower here. I know that they will be HOT when ripe, but I want to work my way up to there heat level. Would eating a couple of green ones be a good test first, then work my way up to ripe ones? Last year I only grew Jalapenos and I'm scared of my habs!

If you have any green ones fall off…turn them into powder…it just tastes a whole lot better!!

You could try your local grocery store…they should have some habs that'll harden up the taste buds a bit!
Green habs have decent heat, and decent flavor too. I use El Yucateco Green on eggs all the time. Green habaneros are better for some foods imo since the fruity taste isn't as strong.
Green eggs and habs :)

If they are mature green then they should have lots of heat. They can even taste hotter that ripe pods since there is no real sweetness developed yet
Well, I ate it on a frozen pizza. It wasnt as hot as I thought it should be. Then again I sliced it real thin and only used one on the whole pizza. At least I'm not afraid of my Habs now. Good thing since I have 4 of them growing in my garden.
I'll be trying the sliced habs on pizza too. Sounds like a possible good mating of flavors. Save the planet... it's the only one with peppers.