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Green pod is tempting me

I have some Orange Habanero pods that are still green. If I eat one now while its immature because I just can't stand the waiting!! will it have anything near it's eventual heat ? Or flavour? Is it worth having one early?

I want them to grow to maturity because I've never had a Habanero before but tt's getting to be like an obsessive compulsive thing, I keep touching the biggest pod and I tell myself I'm just checking it, but secretly I'm hoping it will fall off and then I will have to eat it. :crazy:

Yes, I am a loon :crazy:
Patience Danielson.

Hope you are washing your fingers after touching it. If not it'll give you a good preview of the burn if you touch your eyes.

Nope heat will be way off the mark or not even there and the taste will suck.

Hehehehe but you'll never know if you don't try it lol I'm sure there will be lots more :)
I used quite a few green "orange habs" over the summer, and also made a hot sauce with the green habs i had at final harvest. Yes they still have some heat and some flavor, But they arent as hot or dont have that nice fruity essence of the ripe ones. To me i could taste the hint of the ripened hab essence with a small bitter overtone especially in the hot sauce i made with the immature pods.

Waiting game sucks! lol.

But if ya want a quick fix of Hab, go ahead and pick it and play the waiting game again for the other pods ;)
I know the feeling, megamoo! Some of my Japs are starting to cork so I could probably pick them now if I wanted but fighting temptation because I want them red!

So tempted to just pick and eat one but as it looks like I will only be getting a small harvest this year, doing everything I can to stop myself. When inspecting all my plants I can pretty much only spare a quick quick glance at the Japs to check for red otherwise I will give in..........
I would wait for the full experience! I'm playing the same game with my Scorps at the moment! I have two nearly ripe and another just started to turn, and another 4 or so immature pods. I've been checking them like every hour to see if they are ready! :crazy: But I'm fortunate that my plants are totally surrounded by wire fencing and bird mesh and it's extremely painful to gain access to them, so I guess I'm lucky I'm lazy! The ones that are REALLY killing me though are my 7 pots! I have 2 and neither are even looking like going red :(

Be patient MM you WILL be rewarded!


I ate an immature green Aji Amarillo pod today that had a green flavour.

The immature Caribbean Red I ate last season had more flavour than it.