greenhouse mislabeled caribbean red

i'll start by saying i am not looking for pod identification; the purpose is to point out these came from the greenhouse that supplies the Home Depot, labels were large and glossy - i wonder if Home Depot would care at all? Wonder if monsanto/seminis would care that their plants were misrepresented?(those that don't know caribbean red was developed at seminis as was superchile, before being acquired by monsanto).  think of all the possibilities of where the original mistake occurred!
i was in home depot today and this is what i found on several plants labeled caribbean red. now it is clear they are not caribbean red, i didn't buy any plants but somehow the pods just fell into my hand as i was looking at the labels to confirm all labels were the same.  all labels stated caribbean red, the pods are from two separate plants. my best guess is superchile but i have the advantage of having tasted one of the pods and it tasted like superchile and the same heat level. plus i grow both..............................NO, i didn't save the seeds!
(they had 1 plant labeled orange habanero with a small ripe pod that was red and could very well have been a caribbean red).

Been reading a lot about wrong ID labels this year and last, almost always from big box store too, HD, Lowes, Walmart etc.
I hear that crosses are somewhat common with Bonnie plants too, but i know people reach for that cross-crutch a little too often, myself included.
Personally i'm not a fan of these mystery surprises, plot and container space comes at a premium.
Yea mislabels are very frustrating to say the least. I never buy plants, but I still seem to mislabel one or two every year. But its easy for me to tell cause I know what has been sowed.
I got 4 caribbean reds that look like huge over size habs with thin walls too, they were from a local grocery store garden stand. its getting sloppy.
Here's one of my recent RC Habs, so I would say your peppers are something completely different or a hybrid of something else.
that's bad...  2 n 2 that i bought from store was not was supposed to!
first year i see a nice plant  looking kinda Schotch bonnet...
cool   very hot pepper plant for sale around here !   boom i but the plant...  end up as bishop's crown ( not very hot) but very tasty!)
next episode.   this time a farmer sell a Ghost Chili   cool havent had one of those in my garden so i buy the plant   get tall throw a half bell mutant pepper wiht some heat but nothing higher than a jalaeno...
moral of teh story...   Grow your plant or buy plants from Freak growing peppers.. 