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Grocery Store Mystery Pepper - Any Ideas?

Hey guys, so my local grocery store got in an interesting "mixed box" of peppers, and i happened to find a couple of these little Dark Brown peppers. The thrill of finding a new pepper i hadn't tried before caused me to buy a couple, and i was pleasantly surprised by my find. I was just wondering if anyone had encountered a pepper like it before.
Here are a couple pics of it
It had quite the heat behind it, and it lasted a couple minutes before slowly sizzling down on the tastebuds. Not completely unbearable, mind you, but hot enough to have me reaching for the milk jug!
Thanks for any help you guys can supply, i'm looking forward to trying to germinate some seeds from this guy soon. even if i don't get some peppers out of it this season, the taste and look (in my opinion) are worth the attempt.
p.s. - if anyone also happens to know what THIS pepper is too off the top of their head, that would be great as well :)
no idea about the pepper, but I'll post a few pics in the thread.


2nd one looks hab-ish

On your photobucket page, each photo has 4 links that you can choose (email, direct, HTML IMG).  Click on the last of the 4- "IMG"-something and it will "COPIED" , come back to your THP post and Paste.   Photos will show in your post, just like magic!  :)  :cool:    There is another way to add images directly to the post not using  secondary hosting site, but I think that's only for Extreme members???
Yeah Bird, i love the coloration of them! thanks for the help Megahot, i just love finding these random pepper types at the store - its such a thrill!  
and thanks so much SalsaLady, i really appreciate the help with picture posting. This will really help me for pics of the next grocery store find i get :)