contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

Damon said:

Good luck everyone!
That put a much needed smile on my face. Thank you for that!
tylerdodd25_92 said:
Flavor wise they taste like a normal tobacco pepper and Heat wise they range from 30,000 and 50,000 Scoville heat units so similar to a Cayenne Pepper or Hungarian Hot Wax heat wise.
Roguejim said:
Tell me you mean tabasco pepper...
Taste can be pretty subjective, but I really get Bhut on the first snap into the pepper followed by a Tabassco heat level. Supposed to be related I think.
Guess tomorrow is the day guys! May the competition remain stiff, ugly, and downright offensive. Nah, jk ... grow on!
Pepper-Guru said:
If you're doing it right, each new node should have pods at all times :)
I have seen photos of your plants! One that you were standing next to and was clearly 3ft over your head. I don't know how tall you are but I'm guessing at least 5 feet +. If your in, I'm out!