contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

Roguejim said:
Poised for another resounding defeat...
     I dunno, man. That plant just forked recently and looks to be on the verge of a growth spurt. With all that soil it has to work with, it might put on some serious height if you play your cards right.
  I hit 50,which means a hail storm must be on the way. ;)

     It's been a while since my last post, but I'm still in the game. This is the one Peruvian Serlano that made it for me. One of the other three was eaten by a bird, the other was abducted by aliens (seriously, it just disappeared...  :think: ). Luckily this was the strongest of the three all along.
     It's been chugging along since I planted it out and has recently been really taking off. I dug up a lot of this hosta bed and forked in about 200 lb of compost since last fall, so it's probably just been taking its time growing roots until late. 
     I didn't feel like running back inside to grab the tape measure, so I just put a 18.6 lb (wtf?) bag of charcoal next to it for scale.  :clap:
7 Inches in 6 days

Even with this growth rate, it doesn't look like I'll be getting the structure I wanted for this pruning experiment I had in mind. I got a little sun burn on the main growth tip early on and since then the side shoots have been going nuts. I guess I could still hack away at the side shoot on only let the tallest go, but I'm kindof wanting to see what she can do in this container :) 
Pr0digal_son said:
Some nice plants! I am a bit lost with everything that is going on,but looks like a few people are growing the original variety selected.
     I tried... None of my crystals germinated, so I went with the agreed upon "Plan B". So far, so good. I'm getting close to executing step two of my evil plan for world growdown domination! Muajhjajajajjajahahahha.  :hell:
A great read this thread, see you've got some great plants on the go... would love to join in next season, always up for a 'grow off' for added interest and sport!
Just out of curiosity, measured my tallest plant and it's Brazillian Starfish Yellow which is 53" and about to hit the GH roof, including 22" of stem before the first branch point!  All of my baccas similarly tall, I'll be pruning shortly... 


dennish said:
A great read this thread, see you've got some great plants on the go... would love to join in next season, always up for a 'grow off' for added interest and sport!
Just out of curiosity, measured my tallest plant and it's Brazillian Starfish Yellow which is 53" and about to hit the GH roof, including 22" of stem before the first branch point!  All of my baccas similarly tall, I'll be pruning shortly... 

I think your cuc or sour gerkin thing is going to take over your GH lol. 
Malarky said:
I think your cuc or sour gerkin thing is going to take over your GH lol. 
Hmmm yes, it could be a problem!  It's a Mexican Sour Gherkin... invading all corners, but fine stems and leaves so letting it at the moment!

Came home last night to find Tuco from Tucson had been hammered by a thunderstorm.
I thought he had enough support, but the winds were apparently quite extreme.  (The back yard is a mess!)
Tuco, who had grown to somewhere around 3 feet, suffered a snapped main stem and is back to being a "Sawed off Runt."   :(
Geonerd said:

Came home last night to find Tuco from Tucson had been hammered by a thunderstorm.
I thought he had enough support, but the winds were apparently quite extreme.  (The back yard is a mess!)
Tuco, who had grown to somewhere around 3 feet, suffered a snapped main stem and is back to being a "Sawed off Runt."   :(
 Not cool!
Sorry for the loss!