Growing all year?

Hi all.
I'm wondering what happens if I keep my pepper plants all year long inside an indoor grow tent, with decent temperatures.
Will the plants keep producing while the temperature is ideal? Is it bad?
I try to keep mine alive year-round. have 2-3-4 year old plants outdoors always. Spring and autumn months give me highest yields, winter months bring some pods but not much. Summer months are when it's all I can do to keep them alive. Too much heat and humidity and the leaves will keep falling off before they even get full sized.
Same boat as Hawaiianero, I had some seedlings in July that just went dormant over the next 2 months then started slowly recovering.  Within that time I had seeds germ and catch up/overtake the intial seedlings in size just cause the weather is finally cooling off. Point is, as long as you do not really have a hard freeze they should live almost indefinitely if you take care of it, my Grandmother has had a birds eye plant out back for nearly 10 years so it can be done.