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Growth Boosters

Has anyone got some advice for a good booster for your plants? I feel my Ghost Peppers are kind of dwarfed. I would probably attribute it to the smaller sized pots, but, they're still rooting. They have a way to go for being root-bound. I ststarted using Bio Nova Nyzme and am not sure it's giving it such a huge boost. I guess I'll have to wait and see. Anyone got some pointers for accelerating foliar growth during its vegetative state? I'll try and post some pics.
Hi yochannontzvi,
This is my first season growing peppers so take what I say with a pinch of salt.. I have been growing my reapers/morugas in pots aswell, while their roots had reached the bottom of the pot, they also hadnt come close to being root bound, but I recently completed my raised garden bed, and transferred them to it, and Oh my.. they have literally exploded.
It could be the substrate i was using in my pots aswell, but I think Peppers have a tap root system, so by giving it the freedom to bore down I reckon it's given the plat the boost it needed.
I'm using 5-8-8 fertilizer in peat moss. I dosed it at like a quarter these recommended dose for fear of over fertilization. They're sort of these manure pellets. I was always under the impression ghost peppers don't like a lot of nutes, correct? You'd say to up the dose?
Interesting article. The funny thing is, the plants in the smaller pots seem to be growing more quickly.
What's that do with boosters, though?
Looks like I might. My space is limited, though. I'm doing it on an apartment patio. I figure I'll try and move them up to something between 10-15 liter pots. Right now most of them are in 7.9 and 7 liter pots.
What Heckle said about boosters is usually spot on.  Thinking Pixel is right about investing in larger pots instead of more chemicals.  It seems like people get in the worst trouble by over doing things; nutrients, water, and even sun.  Mother Nature gets great results with a huge pot, seems like doing what you can to replicate her work is the best idea.

If you are not letting them dry a bit between watering, give that a try.  It was amazing to see how fast things grew when our rainy season stopped.
romy6, have read that some folk have great luck with growth hormones.  My thing is that like nutrients, a person can really screw over a plant quick if they screw up.  Did you know growth hormones are also marketed as herbicides?  It really seems like most of the problems folk run into are user error; too much water, too much chemical, too much sun.
This past year, I sun bleached a bunch of plants indoors for too much light.  Not burnt mind you, I turned those puppies white.
     Anything marketed as a "growth booster" is likely just an expensive detour on the road to becoming a better grower. Usually sold by somebody who's more familiar with a thesaurus than a plant.
Today, it is known that urine is a liquid complex compound in 95% water, charged into urea and trace elements, and contains more than 1000 different organic molecules!
the protocol is to stimulate life in the land by regular watering of a mixture of water supplemented with 25% fresh urine at the foot of vegetables every 15 days or less
floricole, I am trying to imagine that as advertising material.  Watered with 25% fresh urine...  mmmmm good nums.  Seriously, fresh urine?  I blend barn scrapings into my soil but only after it has been aged.  I thought fresh urine would burn?
ajdrew said:
floricole, I am trying to imagine that as advertising material.  Watered with 25% fresh urine...  mmmmm good nums.  Seriously, fresh urine?  I blend barn scrapings into my soil but only after it has been aged.  I thought fresh urine would burn?
yep, fresh urine...it's free  :P
I have use it for my Reaper in container this year to test it, there are lots of study in Europe google for human urine as fertilizer.
here is the reaper, it have a good size for my northen climat
So do you aim for the crown or is it a bit of a foliage drench? Also, do you have to write your name as you apply it? 
Noob question, I know, but it is important for me that I get it right.
floricole said:
Today, it is known that urine is a liquid complex compound in 95% water, charged into urea and trace elements, and contains more than 1000 different organic molecules!
the protocol is to stimulate life in the land by regular watering of a mixture of water supplemented with 25% fresh urine at the foot of vegetables every 15 days or less
Pixel_Ninja said:
So do you aim for the crown or is it a bit of a foliage drench? Also, do you have to write your name as you apply it? 
Noob question, I know, but it is important for me that I get it right.