Habanero Manzano ?

Going over my seeds and doing some planting in pots. Came across this one and when looking on line it does not match what I read, says its black seeds but the seeds I was sent are not ??

I've never heard of this cross. I look forward to hearing from the experts here on THP regarding this pepper. It sounds very interesting. 
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Manzanos are Pubescens with black seeds. What you have there is probably seeds for a habanero variety (Chinense), that looks like an apple when fully grown. Manzana means apple in Spanish, so I'm sure whoever decided to name that hab, thought it looked like an apple.
I totally agree. Note these seed packets use the term Habanero Manzano but obviously are not C. pubencens:

Sobre de Semillas de Chile Habanero Manzano
Habanero Manzano
Thegreenchilemonster said:
It is not possible to cross a Pubescens with a Chinense, so it definitely couldn't be a cross.
Once again I agree but of course there's always a "reputable site" that will mistakenly publish dis-information!

This is a hybridised variety (Chinese xPubescens cross) developed by crossing a Habanero with a Manzano.

With a disclaimer....

A more detailed description and further information on the parents is currently unavailable.
dragonsfire said:
Ok will plant them and see what happens.
West Indian Yellow Hab
Goronong Hab
Peach Hab
Condors Beak Hab
Where did you get Goronong Hab seeds from? I've seen plenty of reference to Malaysian Goronong, which is C. chinense, and Coronong or Caronong chile but never with Habanero?
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:

Once again I agree but of course there's always a "reputable site" that will mistakenly publish dis-information!

This is a hybridised variety (Chinese xPubescens cross) developed by crossing a Habanero with a Manzano.

With a disclaimer....

A more detailed description and further information on the parents is currently unavailable.
I read that info from the site which threw me for a loop thinking someone had found a way to cross a pube with  a non pube. 
dragonsfire said:
Part of my first big seed purchase, Germany I think put would have to check.

They have a Manzano Habanero listed, but with no claims to be a cross of a Rocoto Manzano.  In fact, the translated description reads:
"Habanero Manzano Very productive Capsicum chinense Type orange habanero with salmon-colored fruit pulp
Very sharp and very aromatic."
It's really weird that this particular pepper would be called "Manzano".  In spanish, "manzana" means "apple", and "manzano" refers to the apple tree.  This pepper and its plant, looks like none of the above.
solid7 said:
They have a Manzano Habanero listed, but with no claims to be a cross of a Rocoto Manzano.  In fact, the translated description reads:
"Habanero Manzano Very productive Capsicum chinense Type orange habanero with salmon-colored fruit pulp
Very sharp and very aromatic."
It's really weird that this particular pepper would be called "Manzano".  In spanish, "manzana" means "apple", and "manzano" refers to the apple tree.  This pepper and its plant, looks like none of the above.
In Spanish when two nouns are used in conjuctjon contextually for one noun to become an adjective, the noun that has become used as an adjective becomes gender dependant. Adjectives follow nouns in Spanish, which is the opposite in English.
That is why you say chile manzano, instead of chile manzana, because the word Apple (Manzana), has changed it's gender due to being used as an adjective, to match the masculine noun chile. It means Apple chile. The same rules apply to the word manzana when used as an adjective to describe a habanero. Habanero Manzano means apple habanero.

Hopefully thay clears some of this Spanish nomenclature up a bit.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
In Spanish when two nouns are used in conjuctjon contextually for one noun to become an adjective, the noun that has become used as an adjective becomes gender dependant. Adjectives follow nouns in Spanish, which is the opposite in English.
That is why you say chile manzano, instead of chile manzana, because the word Apple (Manzana), has changed it's gender due to being used as an adjective, to match the masculine noun chile. It means Apple chile. The same rules apply to the word manzana when used as an adjective to describe a habanero. Habanero Manzano means apple habanero.

Hopefully thay clears up some of this Spanish nomemclature up a bit.
LOL... I know what you mean...  I am a semi-fluent speaker.  Maybe it's a regional thing, but I'm used to hearing the word "manzano" used colloquially, as the tree. (as opposed to arbol de manzana) Hell, I've said some things in spanish that were pretty innocent...  just not in the country that I happened to be in.
I was just trying to cover all of the bases with that possible explanation, but really none of them fit. :D