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"Habango" sauce

20 red, green & orange habaneros
approx 450-500grams mango
250 mls mango nectar
sprinkle of turmeric
3 carrots chopped
teaspoon of garlic
1 whole lime peeled and chopped
500ml white vinegar (less or more depending on how thick you want your sauce.)

combine all ingredients except vinegar into pot and bring to boil and simmer for 20 minutes....
take off the heat and blend
put back on heat and slowly add white vinegar until you get your desired thickness...
cool, bottle and eat!!
i find its great as a marinade for chicken pieces on the bbq... :)

Pretty good basic recipe, good for all peppers. I personally dont like the idea of carrots in sauce but will happily put artichoke hearts in it. :lol:

Whats the heat like in this batch?
i like to keep things simple with the sauces so as not to overcrowd the flavours... i experimented with the carrots this time as a way to keep the colour rather than the taste. i think it work well... it is very fruity and has the added citrus hit of the habs.. heats probably a 6 - 7??? really happy with the thickness....