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So not only is my plant still really wilted, now I'm dealing with them suddenly doing this. Help please!

looks diseased.
If it's indoors, dump everything. Can keep the pot but gotta sterilize it. Start new with fresh seed, fresh potting mix.
If outdoors, don't plant there again. Soil is most likely infectious. If that's the only spot you have, dig out the soil at least 1 cubic foot's worth if not more. Use it to grow something other than peppers, tomato's or eggplants. Refill the hole with good quality soil and start again.
At least that's what I would do...
I have them in a pot on my balcony. Water them in the mornings. Not a crazy amount. Miracle grow once in a while. Like 2 weeks apart...... so get rid of the plant or what?
SirFitzalot said:
I have them in a pot on my balcony. Water them in the mornings. Not a crazy amount. Miracle grow once in a while. Like 2 weeks apart...... so get rid of the plant or what?
I would, that looks nasty. I know habs dont like alot of water. If you were watering every day and your pot wasn't draining properly that could start problems. Like Hawaiianero said your soil might be infected too so start over.
It drains great. I was keeping them watered because they were constantly wilted looking. So cut them down to the main stem or get rid of the plant?
yeah the pod just rotted for whatever reason. I get that on a few pods out of the season on otherwise healthy plants. 
maybe you are leaving the pod on the plant too long? you sure no pest got in there then left? too much water? are the causes i have seen.
Could be on too long. So the other ones might still be ok?

Didn't see any pests. No holes or anything.

Haven't seen snails in a while. No other insects. I sprayed for aphids a couple weeks ago. Nothing lately. Leaves look sick midday. Droopy. Wilted. Holes. Sucks. I hate being green at all this.
So I can pick the others and not worry? They did sit on the plant a while. I didn't know how long to wait on them. They were getting darker and darker.
Pickem earlier and dont water as much. Its not as hot as it was so the pot should retain moisture longer. Only water when you feel the top of the dirt getting dry. Hopefully you can still enjoy your habs.