soil Happy Frog Potting soil

Hi everyone,
I normally buy Lucky Dog soil by Fox Farm but bought some Happy Frog instead because I just wanted to try something new. I am going to place some plants in it but was curious if I should add anything else to it or any other recommendation. I know this probably has been discussed a lot so I appreciate the help.
Ok great. They are about 6-9 inches high and have several leaves on each plant. Very healthy.
I bought a bag of worm castings, would you recommend me adding extra or just wait? I know Happy Frog already comes with it though.
ReaperTheRed said:
Ok great. They are about 6-9 inches high and have several leaves on each plant. Very healthy.
I bought a bag of worm castings, would you recommend me adding extra or just wait? I know Happy Frog already comes with it though.
I like putting a little dash of worm castings in the hole whenever I transplant but it's probably not necessary if you're using a quality soil like that. How big is the pot you're transplanting into?
Its funny, I keep hearing how good Pro Mix is but you can not find it anywhere down here in Texas. I think next year though if I get the time I will make my own potting soil. Buying fox farms gets expensive really quick.
Thankfully the cannabis growing state of Washington sells Ocean Forest for 14.50 a bag down from 16.95 just months ago.
Probably helps that it is mixed and bagged here in WA.

Just picked up 3 bags Saturday

Hydro stores or stores that concentrate on indoor gardening are far cheaper that nursery supply stores and big box stores like home depot.

Home depot does have pretty good sales on good quality potting mixes.

They usually have decent sales on promix blends.
alkhall said:
I prefer Ocean Forest, but Happy Frog is a close second. Really cannot go wrong with Fox Farms.
Used Ocean Forest last season in 30 x 20 gallon fabric pots. Freezer is still full of frozen pods.
I like growing lettuces in ocean forest. They explode with growth in that stuff and are pretty much ready for harvest before I ever need to add more nutrients. Pretty effortless. Now if I could just keep the damn aphids off of them..
I don't like any of the fox farm stuff except for starts.
It has too many organic things in it that break down and either cook my roots or run out of nutes at the mid end of the season.
It's like a compost pile that was too green to use,not fully composted or?
I tried it in #15 pots (17 gal.).
I have no winter,it's been mid 80's to mid 90's temp. wise.
What doesn't work here might work in your climate.
I'm just posting about my grow...Indoors OK,Outside is not cool for me...
smokemaster said:
I don't like any of the fox farm stuff except for starts.
It has too many organic things in it that break down and either cook my roots or run out of nutes at the mid end of the season.
It's like a compost pile that was too green to use,not fully composted or?
I tried it in #15 pots (17 gal.).
I have no winter,it's been mid 80's to mid 90's temp. wise.
What doesn't work here might work in your climate.
I'm just posting about my grow...Indoors OK,Outside is not cool for me...
what part of cali are you in?
I'm putting up my new seedlings with a mix of coco, perlite, and this happy frog soil. As well as a few more mature transplants I did. I can post results in a few weeks if you're interested. Can compare to the mature ones I have in just perlite and coco