misc Happy Hour

Well someone kick me a little productive juju, will ya?! Can't get my groove on this morning, and I have tons to do!!!!

Prolly need more coffee, but I'm trying to save some for an Irish Coffee later....priorities!!!! hahahahaha
another 170 bhuts put in 4 inch cups,taking another break. me and the wife are having a blody mary. then a nother round of bhuts!

c.j. i give you the juju,go get your stuff done grrl.
done for the day,443 bhuts potted up. 2 new castles,and a couple pulls of skyy. its time to shower and move on to other threads. hope everyone had a great day!
aah,a little drinky drink break. newcastle and a pull of the creature"skyy" then back outside. gotta pot up the last of the jalos and maybe do a little spraying.
getting yelled at for callling a little bitch out!!!


on another note

im about to actually start growing some peppers down here in florida

is the climate and the kkind of lack of soil actually OK for some of the superhots?
Who's yellin' at you for callin' ME OUT??!!??!!!

(btw - thanks for calling me "little"!!!!!!)

#1 - Sleep is the best way to save $................!!!!!!!!!! :D
i called you out because i was just making sure you and your little man thing were actually coming out to florida

and you told me to post this

so I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is EXACTLY why God created the "Hungover Chef".

It might be dineer time, but IWILL BE HAVING CHORIZO con Juevos TODAY.

i want more cereal wings


i want wendys

and not food wendys

i mean the chick down the street with the huge boobs that wears the short shorts all the time

imma go get