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Hardening plants in this


Try hardening your plants in this kinda weather I was hoping that this weekend I would get some of my plants out but no way, Mother Nature says wait a lil longer. I tried to put a plant in an upside down container this week and the wind just down right stripped the leaves right off. All thats left is a stem. As the old saying goes...............................................................paitents luke use the force lol And plus they are saying we are apt to get about 5 inches of rain the next few days and more coming in the next few weeks. Wind going mad every day 20 to 30 MPH so I stand my ground if it isn't blowed away and wait. Welcome to Oklahoma weather
okie joe said:

Try hardening your plants in this kinda weather I was hoping that this weekend I would get some of my plants out but no way, Mother Nature says wait a lil longer. I tried to put a plant in an upside down container this week and the wind just down right stripped the leaves right off. All thats left is a stem. As the old saying goes...............................................................paitents luke use the force lol And plus they are saying we are apt to get about 5 inches of rain the next few days and more coming in the next few weeks. Wind going mad every day 20 to 30 MPH so I stand my ground if it isn't blowed away and wait. Welcome to Oklahoma weather

Been there,done that...
My parent's farm is nicknaned Mariah,after the wind.As a woodworker,I always admired the walnut trees in Okla.My Grandmother told me Okla. Walnut wood was no good as the fibers were damaged by the constant wind.Were talking American Black Walnut.One of the densest woods!
Hopeing my seeds took for you and I'm sure the wind will die down in a couple weeks!Best of luck!
Hope you can keep the cows out this year!