• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Hardy's Indoor Grow House / Overwinter / GLOG

First, let me preface everything by saying this is my first year growing peppers and I've learned a TON from this community and everyone's contributions.  I've been lurking and reading on this site since May and finally decided to register and post.  
I started with a 'can' of Carolina Reapers I bought from a retail store in Tennessee (the novelty little can that you pop open, pour water in, and set on window sill).  Since then I've tried more 'cans', bought seeds from several online sites, and been trying a little bit of everything.
This summer I grew 2 Reapers, several cayenne, several Peter peppers, a few habanero.  I've since tried germinating chocolate habaneros, ghost, Bolivian rainbows and have had zero success (I have some questions but will save those for later).
I wanted to overwinter them so I cut them down, trimmed roots, potted and put in basement under T8s.  It is a little cool (67 degrees) and very dry in the basement.  The plants kept growing well.  The cayenne have even been putting out pods.  They were all getting crowded so I needed something different.  
Tonight, I got a little antsy and built a bit of a greenhouse in the basement.
Here are my plants about 5 weeks after bringing them inside.  In the background you can see where I had a table, space blanket and a T8.

Here is the starting point for their new home:

T8s hung and test some thin plastic sheeting (my hope was to raise the humidity a bit)

Area complete sheeted in with plastic and space blanks (silver side facing in on the walls and silver side facing out on the top---to help reflect heat back into the greenhouse).

Here is a shot of the kids in their new home:

Now for a couple of questions.
1)  I've tried germinating Bolivian Rainbows -- About 30 diff seeds from 2 diff sources -- 0 germinated.  I did about 10 in wet paper towel, 10 in germinating medium in the 'cans' I mentioned above, and 10 in soil.  I tried to keep at 80 to 85 degrees.  Nothing germinated.  The cans grew algae, I overwatered the soil, and I'm not sure what happened to the paper towels.  Its been 3 weeks with no luck.  What the hell am I doing wrong?
2) I germinated chocolate habeneros in potting soil in seed cups...the got 2 leaves and looked good.  I pulled them out of the plastic container I kept them in and they seemed to tip over and die.  At that point, I tried to salvage by water---again, I think I overwatered.  All died but I have this one little stem....can I save this little sucker?

3) My last question--all of my other plants that I'm overwintering were in pots.  These three, I dug out of the ground.  2 Peter peppers and one cayenne.  The one with the leaves is a peter pepper and the two other 'sticks' are Peter and Cayenne.  Both the sticks appear to have some small leaves sprouting from buds.  The peter pepper with all the dumpy looking leaves doesn't appear to have any new growth on it.  I've had them in the 67 degree basement for about 4 weeks with full T8 light but they just don't seem to want to budge.  What can I do to salvage them?  Are they ok and just need some light and time to recover?

Peter and cayenne:

Thanks for any answers!
I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong with germination...I want to get some Bolivians going, a few Numex plants, and some other super hots but I don't want to keep throwing away seeds.  :(
Have you been using peat cups every time? I don't use them, some people do.How deep are you putting your seeds?Your peppers died from damp off.When they tip over and died it was a sign of to much water.I would start some seeds in drinking cups or cut off 2 liter about 4'' tall.Why? So, they have room to grow and most seed starting tray are that depth too.The soil your are using looks fine to me.Just don't over water them and get your self a spray bottle to water them with.Also check out other peoples glogs with grow light set ups. :cheers:  
I'm not sure what the "fff" update was, but my current update is that I've got aphids.  So the "fff" may have been me cursing.
My plants look nothing like the green, healthy,new growth plants in the pictures.  I now have gnarly leaves and weak looking plants.
On the plus side, I've got trays and solos of Reapers, White Fatallis, NuMex Halloween, Chinese 5 Color, Explosive Embers started and they are starting to sprout and show signs of life.  I'm only hoping I can get ahead of the aphids before they wipe everything out.  
Here's my post for the aphids if anyone has any suggestions:   http://thehotpepper.com/topic/58053-another-aphid-question-before-i-destroy-all-of-my-plants/
By the way, I think aphids should be spelled with an "f".  A capital "F" at that.  I hate those little herpes of the plant world....they just won't go away and they flare up without notice.