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harvesting Harvest Aug 17 08


I picked these this morning from left to right and center.

1. Red Savina 8. Guam Boonis
2.Cleos Dragon 9.White Habs
3.Chocolate Habs 10.Purple something ??
4.Trinidad Congo Red 11.Jalapenos
5.Trinidad Congo Yellow 12.Chile De Arbol
6.Cleos Dragon 13.Red Paper Lantern
7.Caloros 14.Middle Fatalii's

15. Below Fatalii's Unkown my favorite pepper.
16. Orange Habs everywhere

http://s300.photobucket.com/albums/nn5/peppermo/Harvest Aug 17 08/
very nice peppermo...what do you do with your harvest?
Wonderful collection of varied pods there peppermo..nice to see some Cleos dragon in there to,Nice pepper :)
Thank you everybody, I'm aware of some of the adversity some have been having with your peppers but it seems that most have recovered. This is my first year and I went thru everything possible, truly ecstatic to have a harvest although it pales in comparison to the harvest of others I thank does of you who post pictures of your harvest AJ I make salsas mostly, roast some on the barbeque, made pico de gallo with "One" Naga Morrich and "One" Fatalli.The rest I give away to friends and family I just got back from making deliveries. Wish you all the best harvest.
what are the small blackish ones in the lower left? and congrats on the paper lanterns....i am depressed that mine didn't even get one stinkin pod this summer.
This is a really great harvest and a nice pic, too. Looks as if it's taken from some calendar! I can't say which variety looks best, they all look great! Congrats!
peppermo said:
Thank you everybody, I'm aware of some of the adversity some have been having with your peppers but it seems that most have recovered. This is my first year and I went thru everything possible, truly ecstatic to have a harvest although it pales in comparison to the harvest of others I thank does of you who post pictures of your harvest AJ I make salsas mostly, roast some on the barbeque, made pico de gallo with "One" Naga Morrich and "One" Fatalli.The rest I give away to friends and family I just got back from making deliveries. Wish you all the best harvest.

Kind words peppermo..you had a great harvest..like the rest of us we have to really on seasonal conditions..which have been unusual everywhere :)