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harvesting Harvesting Seeds From Pods

I am sure this thread is out there somewhere or has been touched upon before, but does anyone have a good way to harvest seeds from pods? or is there a certain method? Just drying? soaking? Have an extreme amount of bhuts and nagas and would like to not to have to buy them again
When I save pepper seeds, I select a fully ripe pod free of defects like insect damage or rot, cut open, seperate seeds from the placenta and dry on paper plate for 2 weeks or so. Much less work than is involved with fermenting tomato seeds.
All I have ever done was cut the pods in half and scoop out the seeds. Then I separate the seeds from the placenta, by hand so wear gloves and i would recommend something like nitril exam gloves since latex is somewhat porous. Next just lay them out on a paper plate. It should take 2 - 3 days for the seeds to completely dry.
My method is fairly tedious. I use a knife and fork to manipulate the seeds out of the placenta. I then lay them out on a paper plate for a week. I make sure they are not touching and move them around at least once so the entire seed gets air to it.
As a complete amateur, I harvested seeds from a rocotto last year, wrapped them in kitchen roll last autumn and had fabulous germination this spring. I kept them in a drawer in the kitchen. Simple!;)