harvesting Harvesting White Bhut Jolokia

Hey everybody. I just got into the world of growing my own hot peppers this season and I was looking for some advice.
One of my plants is a white bhut jolokia, and I am having trouble finding information online as to when it is best to harvest them. I don't want to harvest to soon and not get the pepper's full potential, but I also don't want to wait too long and waste them.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.
when i'm growing a pepper that is new to me, i generally purposely let the first pod go too long, gently squeezing it each day as it gets more ripe (or at least i think is it's final ripening color) and when it has gone soft or slightly soft i know i waited too long, and i pick all the others before they reach that point 
that being said, some people prefer certain peppers before they are completely ripe. Experiment and see which stages you prefer the flavor most
it depends which pheno you got of course.
smooth pheno i grew last year (which i don't like, i'd rather have the bumpy one) looked more of a cream. 
pick it when you don't see green 