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soil Has anyone ever used this Soil-less mix ? for ghost pepper..

It' called basement by royal gold.​
I managed to get the ingredients from a local hydro shop.
what do you guys think? suitable for 5 gal containers ? for outside ?


Basement mix ingredients: coco fiber, coco chips, lava rock, earthworm castings, (rice hulls, straw, manure, grape pomace, and cocoa hulls) composted chicken manure, fish bone meal, bat and seabird guano, kelp meal, silica, alfalfa meal, humic acid derived from leonardite.
I'd keep it for the outdoors unless they're giving you a "fly swatter" with the purchase......lol
There's enough in that mix to produce a hell of a plant, but would also be the perfect breeding grounds for gnats and other peats..........just my opinion

minus the coco and lava rocks, that sounds more like a compost tea mix instead of growing medium.

Definetly outdoors stuff.

Probably pretty hot.

I would grow in just coco, and make a tea from the rest. Then water the tea into the coco over time.