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Heirloooms peppers= my new hot sauce

Ok so I have been working on this sauce for a little while. As I am not into Franks or tobasco I wanted a little more of a sweeter flavor with out the fruit juice. So instead I fire roasted off a bell pepper, garlic, and tomato and wraped them up in plastic wrap to rest. I them softend some carrots in some water. I put them all into a food processor along with about 1/4 c of vinegar. I placed back into a pot and added about 3 cups of water. I let simmer and added 7 yellow 7 pots and 10 butch T's. I really wanted this sauce to be super hot but because of the sugars in the red bell and tomato it wasn't as hot as I wanted. I let it simmer for about 15-20 and then blended. I added some kosher salt and some white pepper. I then strained. To make the sauce hotter I got a hold of Heirloomchef who sent the peppers you see now. I added the scorpions you see and the T.S Morugas and blended those. I left the seeds in those and left it kinda chunky for some texture to it. After taking to ChiliAddict he informed to add some butter and more vinegar to it and then the sauce would be complete. So I added another three Tbls of what was left and 3 oz of clarrified butter.
It tasted Awesome. You get the initial sweet roasted flavor from the Roasted Red and Garlic. Then the heat that lingers for quite some time. This is my first quality hot sauce and some tweeks could be made. But over all I am pretty happy with it. I can also say for certain that this sauce could be the hottest I have had so far, but I am sure there are far hotter out there that I would love to try in the future.
Thanks go out to HeirloomChef for his help on the peppers. They came to me fast and in solid condition. I still have a couple left to try a different sauce shortly.



this is a picture of the box sent to me by HeirloomChef. Total quality! He also threw the yellow 7 pots in for free which I used 1 in my TD and shared the other with ChiliAddict
Again thanks to Heirloom for the peppers. And thanks to chiliaddict for taking the pictures for me.

P.S. I just noticed this picture didn't come up. Any help would be great.

I got it
Sounds and looks good! Did you ph test? Or you just gonna keep it in the frige?

I did not test it. Still need buffer solution and that junk. I can't for see it being higher than 4 but yes it is in fridge. It'll probably be gone by tomorrow. Thinking about trying it on N.Y. Steaks to see if that works. It'll definatley work on Chicken so we'll see.

Great job Aaron. My jar of sauce is already gone. It went extremely well with chicken strips. Loved it! I was amazed how long the burn lasted...and that's a good thing.

Thats awesome man! So glad you enjoyed it that much! Yeah breaded items might be the way to go with that sauce. We'll see, trial and error right?

Pic 1, thanks man!
Nice write up, thanks for sharing!

Assuming you tried them on their own, did the yellow 7's still have the pinapple/citrus taste or did they not develop that since they were still a tad green?
The flavor was there, but not as strong as some of the others I had in the past. But I don't think its that big of difference, it certainly was not a disappointment. Also, those yellow 7 were HUGE! Biggest I have seen yet!
Thanks again