Hello From Andersonville, Tennessee

Hello to all. 
I am a newbie.
As an ex Deputy due to a back issue, I am having to gather my wits about myself and press on to raise my kids somehow.
I am choosing to start a hydroponics farm growing just peppers.
My first choice is banana peppers but I do not have great marketing skills.
Can someone help me in finding a place to sell peppers at?
I have nearly 1,500 seeds ready to start and I still have to build my indoor hydrofarm and get the needed nutrients to start growing.
All of the farmers markets are going to be closing soon because of the coming winter, so I will try to capitalize on that.
Does anyone have the software I have been reading about? It is a nutrient mixing software of some type.
Anyone have any supplies and want to help me get started I would be grateful.
Thank you all and I am wide open for any tips on building my first hydrofarm.
1.Hope you have a lot of land for 1500 seeds.
3.Have you grown before?
4.Try something other than banana peppers.
Hope none of that sounds too harsh but just being realistic. My best advice is to spend a lot of time in the forum in the couple of weeks and you will learn so much and a lot of your questions may be answered just from that. I think there is a couple of threads about the farmers market angle if you search a little bit. I remember them being very useful from people who do it themselves.
Good growing to you!!
I plan on planting about 100 per day until they are all planted. I am recording everything I do (building, mixing nutrients, etc.) in a spiral notebook so I can go back and catch mistakes as I go.
I live on 5 acres but I am only dedicating so much room for growing peppers.
I kinda have to use lights because of the upcoming winter months and the shorter days.
Thank you all for welcoming me to the forum.

Thanks for the input PDiddly! 
I was going to start with strawberries, but I heard that crop is hard to grow.
I am open for suggestions though.
I chose peppers due to the ease of growing and from what I have read on the USDA market, it is the more "income effective" crop.
I have been studying for quite some time now due to the fact of my injury. They say the only way to get started is to throw your hat over the fence. So, here I am. I have not grown before.
The software is supposed to have come out in 2000.
I still don't know what you mean by software. I am thinking computers when you say that. Does it calculate ratios?

PS:    If you have not grown before you may have good or bad results. It is hard to really say. Yes, they are easy to grow to an extent but there are so many variables you have not experienced yet. I don't want to discourage you, but I don't want to see someone invest so much to have the unknown happen in the long run.
PepperDaddler, Yes, it is apparently a computer program that figures out the ratios for you based on a certain amount of water. As you can imagine, there is going to be quite a bit of water being stored inside.
The plants will survive using heated water to heat the air, the same as an old register in a home. Humidity, air temperature, lighting, and proper air circulation, is how I plan to keep them alive and producing. The nutrient mix will be tested daily in the beginning for Ph and the proper balance of nutrients.
With a little luck, a lot of prayer, and everyones help here, I might be able to support my family soon.
Hey and welcome aboard! I agree with PepperDaddler, id start with some different strains of peppers. Seems to be a huge market for superhots. Good luck!
Awesome. Thanks PepperDaddler and Jamison.
I will begin looking into doing that.
I wonder how much of a difference each variety will need to be adjusted nutrient wise. Is there a difference in pollination do you think?
good luck smart idea. have you looked into how much its going to cost and how much your profit will be? with 5 acres after winter you can definitly start making money!