Hello from Eastern Kentucky

We are experienced (age & number of growing seasons) gardeners living on land in E KY mtns. in the Danile Boone National Forest. I've raised various peppers for many years but never ventured into them like we have heirloom tomatoes, where wev'e done many trials,etc..
My presense here is toward a search to raise an jalapeno that can become our new standard bearer! The Bonnie plant farms,F1 Mammoth Jalapeno has been the go too Jala pepper but as we usually raise our own seedlings each year I need to find a replacement-besides the $3+ cost per plant is out of line with our budget!
We like it as a larger fruit plus milder flavor too. We are not "how hot can you grow them pepper people". We do like peppers,raise several kinds & while I have no pepper seeds to trade (just heirloom tomatoes and not a large quantity of those) I am searching (for next year, not 2014) for a great idea,source,seeds,etc. of peppers to grow. We usually grow poblano,jalapeno,sweet bell & have been raising the small cherry sweets but decided the jalapenos are better so dropped that one.
I like what I've read about the Hungarian Black pepper & have seen a couple of jalapenos that ctach my eye.
FWIW, I have been to Mexico many times over the years & travel there winters on extended MC trips. I could easily bring seeds back but have not seen an out of the ordinary pepper there in my market searches.
I forgot to mention that we tried what is called an Heirloom jalapeno pepper, Seed Savers Exchange, for 2013, called the "Traveler". It was not remarkable for us but also a rainy year too. They were small & few fruits.
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida! :woohoo: