Hello from Okinawa

First off great site, the amount of information is great. I am a contractor living in Okinawa and have a love for spicy foods. I used to grow Thai chili peppers when I lived in Taiwan for around the house cooking but have since stopped. Now that I am in Okinawa I found another friend who loves hot sauces and spicy food as much as my wife and I do. We recently purchased a variety of Blair's hot sauces for BBQ and got into discussion about growing hot peppers at home. However my interest forms in the crossing of peppers and making my own sauce. I would love to start planting and growing again, but with the ability to cross. However I am not sure of the rules and regulations of getting and growing seeds in Japan. I found the sticky to order the seeds now I would like to know if there is a sticky on crossing them.

Again great site and I look forward to contributing pictures and my experiences

:welcome: from the
:welcome: from Perth, Australia

There isn't a sticky on crossing chillies as far as I know. There are probably many posts talking about it. This is a good website tutorial on how to cross pollinate.