Hello from San Diego - Question about building capsaicin tolerance.

I eat spicy foods at every meal. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Doesn't matter if it is fresh pods, dried powders, sauces, or ferments.

I started to gain my tolerance by growing more jalapenos than I could eat and finding new uses for them. Pretty quickly that turned in to manzanos, cayennes, piquins, and habaneros. I'm just now starting my venture in to the super hot realm with 7 pots and ghosts. I've been using sauces as a go-between to prepare myself for superhots.
Funny story: I had never eaten a whole fresh pod until maybe four months ago. The hottest thing prior to that would have been homemade salsa with finely minced orange habs in it. My choice for my first pod? An enormous Moruga.
Things within a few feet of me still keep spontaneously combusting. Not sure why.
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
Welcome from Central Illinois!
I went the sauce route to gain my tolerance.
I concentrated over the counter cheap bulk sauces in a crock pot first.
Then started making my own sauces. At first I made my habanero sauce, and went through a gallon of sauce in about 6 months. I doubled the habanero's in the second batch and concentrated the sauce more. My latest batch was Trinidad Chocolate Moruga sauce thin enough to use a dispenser bottle, so I can adjust the heat and still be able to enjoy the flavor. I find V8 is a good carrier for building tolerance.