Hello from UK (Dartford)

Hi all!
I was given a sweet pepper plant last year as a "tip" from a customer. I would have prefered cash but, haho. As I'd never grown peppers befor I just put it in the greenhouse and looked after it. It grew to about 18" tall (bushy) and had around 20 very small peppers.

A while later we had a BBQ so I put these sweet peppers in a salad. All of them. It wasn't long befor people were jumping around with tears in there eyss' OMG! it's a chilli pepper. I have know idea which pepper it was.It was funny!

This got me hooked (weared sence of humour) and decided to grow some hot peppers this year. I have to grow them in pots.

Any advice growing in pots please.

Bhur Jolokia
Chocolate Habanero
Zimbabwe Bird
Dorset Naga

All above have been sown in a greenhouse, in a propogator at 70/75f 10/14 days All have germinated. How do I get the best from these peppers growing in pots? Pot size etc.,......

Welcome from Ohio. IMO that you can grow just about anything in a pot as long as you have the right conditions. This is a great site to help you out.
Hello and Welcome from Virginia, USA!
how do bud and welcome,
you'll be fine growing in pots just don't jump up sizes too quick so you get a nice root ball, and only pot on when the roots are poking out the bottom, don't overwater underwaterign is prefered, you'll notice on a hot day that sometimes they may lok dead (all weak and droopy) give them a good drink then they'll spring back to life.
again welcome
Welcome from Fort Worth, Texas...looks like you jumped in with both feet on the pepper heat level with the Bhut and Dorset...the chocolate will burn you too...haven't had a birds eye but the tepin has an immediate up front burn to the lips and front of the mouth....bon apetite...

look up top at the long row of buttons...third from the right is a search button, hit it and search for any subject you want...the information is probably there...if you can't find it, ask...someone knows the answer here...(by the way, that row of buttons is a users friend)

again, welcome