Hello! Please dun hit me in the face! :D


Umm.. Hi! "We" are actually starting a page as a couple. emm? nice to meet you? XD

Not-Bob: btw! thanks every1 fur saying elo!
I put a response somewhere in the middle thusly thanking u!
and of course shamelessly begging for trades! I just got to... :,D
I found the WE in " " rather amusing :)
Hopefully you will find the forums useful, I know that I've learned a lot in the past few days :)

Check out Mr. Fancy pants! :clap:

Ya a little over board I guess! pun intended.

I had a choice, play with some software or build an Ark! But I'm fresh out of gopher wood.:)

Wettest April on record in more the 80 years, I was lining up my plants 2X2 just in case.

I have a half acre mud pit called a garden, Bored to tears.:cry: I wana go play!!!!!
thanks everyone! now i just need to find trading partners.. :P
but i have so little seed wise- do people take money? er tomatoes??? XD