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Help me with a sauce, Please.

I'm looking into making and canning a Pineapple-orange Hab Sauce.

Ideas for amounts?? Since I plan on canning should I use a vinegar...

I'm looking for a sweet spicy....

Neal, I use fresh pineapple in about all my sauces with about a cup of white vinegar. You can balance the vinegar taste with the pinaapple and about 1/3 cup sugar. Hot sauces are trial and error until you find what you like.
I agree. Experiment with the ingredients and add them while making the sauce until you get what you were aiming for. And yes, you should use vinegar or lemon juice or sth like that to add acid if you don't wanna use it all within a week.
Nice, I also forgot to mention I've got woozies with black plastic lids. I've read I should sterilize bottles, sauce at 195 degrees for 10-15, and put in bottles,cap and flip for 15....

Sound about right? Am I ok to store them in the cupboard after that?
I actually just made and canned appx 16 pints this weekend of asst flavors but pineapple went in them all.Some papaya,apple.raison,prune and figs .Switched up white vinager,cider vin ager and malt vinager.Small amounts of raisons really help thicken it up naturally.Find a basic recipe and run with it.Good luck.
I'd stay away from the basic cheap white vinegar. try other vinegar like apple cider vinegar or red/white wine vinegars & other types of vinegar.
the wine vinegars I like because they add a little sweeter taste to the sauce.

you're looking for ammounts ? kinda hard to say when it mostly depends on how hot of a hot sauce you want &/or other ingredients if there will be any besides pineapple/orange habs.
if you want it HOT then chill out on the ingredients other than chiles.