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help sick plant! part2

hi there,
i am still waiting for the ph meter to arrive from US. its been two weeks now. i can say the plant is much better than it was 3 weeks ago. i have move it to a shady place away from the blistering heat.! the Leaves are getting bigger but very very curly!
i would like to ask if i should trim the plant as the tips has tiny leaves that is turning brown and at the bottom the leaves are growing back bigger and curly.
:( Anyone with advise for me ?

Might be a sever lack of calcium which could be due to too much Nitrogen or Potassium, low pH or the soil simply has insufficient calcium.

Quote from Wikipedia...

Calcium (Ca) deficiency is a plant disorder that can be caused by insufficient calcium in the growing medium, but is more frequently a product of a compromised nutrient mobility system in the plant.[1] This may be due to water shortages, which slow the transportation of calcium to the plant, or can be caused by excessive usage of potassium or nitrogen fertilizers.

Calcium deficiency symptoms appear initially as generally stunted plant growth, necrotic leaf margins on young leaves or curling of the leaves, and eventual death of terminal buds and root tips. Generally the new growth of the plant is affected first. The mature leaves may be affected if the problem persists.[2]

I'd check the pH before moving forward, and then flush the hell out of the pot, then reapply fert, lime.

Good luck :)
Thanks RichardK.

i got lime but i don't know how much to use. Still waiting for the Ph meter. should be here anytime soon i hope..
too much of nitrogen.... i guess not because the leaves were very light green/yellow. only now it slowly turn green...

Can I trim off the plant ??
how about repotting the Plant ?
This is my first c. Chinese type of pepper and i don't want it to die :(. At least i can learn something from all this also.
If it was me in your shoes, I would flush the pot several times, take the plant out, remove as much soil as I could without damaging the roots as much as possible, and repot it.

I'd then cut off as much dead plant material, leaving the healthy parts intact.

Still give it some lime, and some general purpos plant food (no bloom ferts) and hopefully the plant will recover.

You can also try and make an emergency cutting, but thats a whole other thing right there. If you go down that road, search in here for the word "cutting".

Good luck :)
thanks again RichardK :)
looks like thats the new project for this weekend.. I am also going to get some fish & bone meal for my other patient... Can i use that as well for this plant ?
Apa Kabar Srin2, tampaknya lebih pemupukan, apa saja yang kamu makan pupuk tanaman? Saya setuju dengan RichardK, menambahkan banyak air tawar dan membiarkan parit saluran air.

Hello Srin2, it looks like over fertilization, what sort of fertilizer do you feed the plant? I agree with RichardK, add lots of fresh water and let the water drain.
JungleRain said:
Apa Kabar Srin2, tampaknya lebih pemupukan, apa saja yang kamu makan pupuk tanaman? Saya setuju dengan RichardK, menambahkan banyak air tawar dan membiarkan parit saluran air.

Hello Srin2, it looks like over fertilization, what sort of fertilizer do you feed the plant? I agree with RichardK, add lots of fresh water and let the water drain.

hellooo jungle rain....

where did you learn to use the malay language..?

over fertilization ? i thought it was under nutritive and needs something.. i have flushed the pot many times... i even have change the soil now as per RichardK's advise.. and prune the plant. Now i am waiting for some kind of improvement. till now it just looks the same... not much changes. no new shoots, if there is also its very tiny. the leaves is very curly and bumpy.
i have many type of fertilizers but i still am new to all this. so i am trying one by one type. My mini thai chillies are doing well , it continues to flower and fruit all the time.
Saya belajar dari Indonesia yang tinggal di Bali selama 5 yrs.and perjalanan seluruh Indonesia dan Malaysia melalui pelatihan Bersilat. Pertama, Apa ada ph tester kit dari ikan akuarium?
Jika demikian ujian kelebihan air yang berjalan keluar dari pot.Is dalam kisaran 6,0 ke 6,5?
Apakah Anda memiliki tanaman kering dibakar berakhir?
Seberapa sering anda telah memiliki air dan tanaman subur?

I learnt Indonesian from living in Bali for 5 yrs.and traveling all through Indonesia and Malaysia training in Bersilat. First, Do you have a ph tester kit from a fish aquarium?
If so test the excess water that runs out from the pot.Is it in the 6.0 to 6.5 range?
Do your plants have dry burnt ends?
How often have you been watering and fertilizing the plant?
JungleRain said:
I learnt Indonesian from living in Bali for 5 yrs.and traveling all through Indonesia and Malaysia training in Bersilat. First, Do you have a ph tester kit from a fish aquarium?
If so test the excess water that runs out from the pot.Is it in the 6.0 to 6.5 range?
Do your plants have dry burnt ends?
How often have you been watering and fertilizing the plant?

yeah the ends has small leafs and they are burnt. i used to water everyday but now i water only when it looks dry.

i just used a general fertilizer and i put some goat dung fertilizer.

But last weekend i changed the soil to a mix of compost ,coconut mulch , perlite ,burn soil and some commercial soil mix.

after doing that i added liquid general fertilizer( very dilute) and goat dung a few granules.

i also trimmed the plant.
I think its too much watering and too strong a solution of Nutrients, maybe give them a good flush with plain water, don't water again till they just begin to wilt then add your nutrients at half strengh ph adjusted to 6.4...see how that goes???
JungleRain said:
I think its too much watering and too strong a solution of Nutrients, maybe give them a good flush with plain water, don't water again till they just begin to wilt then add your nutrients at half strengh ph adjusted to 6.4...see how that goes???

hello again junglerain.
i have re-potted the plant with new soil. you might be right.. i never saw the plant wilt when it was in this condition.
i am still waiting for my 4in1 soil test meter from USA. its been 3 weeks now. hopefully it will come by this week.

i just purchased a new fert over the weekend. 'thrive'
Halo, srin2, saya kira apa Richard mengatakan, masalah yang berhubungan dengan tanaman. Cobalah untuk melihat dari atas dengan tanaman lada yang sampai Ph meter tiba.

peppermanbaha said:
Halo, srin2, saya kira apa Richard mengatakan, masalah yang berhubungan dengan tanaman. Cobalah untuk melihat dari atas dengan tanaman lada yang sampai Ph meter tiba.

another malay language writing person...or indonesian language :)

will try checking it soon....
RichardK said:
Might be a sever lack of calcium which could be due to too much Nitrogen or Potassium, low pH or the soil simply has insufficient calcium.

Quote from Wikipedia...

I'd check the pH before moving forward, and then flush the hell out of the pot, then reapply fert, lime.

Good luck :)

i have checked the ph level and its about 6.5
I recomend using egg shells as calicium. It also helps to fertiliz and prevents slugs and snails. Blend them to powder fine or hand crush them.
sorry wrong ph reading


i think i made a mistake taking the ph reading the other day. it was after 12 midnight! and the soil was dry. i just came back from a 2 days trip and i found my ph meter have arrived in my post box. :) i just took it out from the box and stabbed it in the soil.
the meter just moved a bit so i thought it was showing about 6.5 ph

Today when i took the reading again and the pot is a bit moist (after watering) the ph is 5 !!!. i check a few location on the pot and is was showing the same reading. PH 5

i bought garden lime powder 1 month ago. is this what i have to put in the soil ? if yes how much to use.
peppermanbaha said:
I recomend using egg shells as calicium. It also helps to fertiliz and prevents slugs and snails. Blend them to powder fine or hand crush them.

Can i use bone meal ?? i did use egg shells before i repotted my plant but i guess using egg shells is a long term plan to get calcium. i have not put any bone meal or any other fertz. because they say my plant might be over fertilized.
Hi Srin,
Just go to an Aquarium shop and ask them for something that will raise the ph then add this to your water or fertilizer mix and check with your ph tester then water into the plants