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help, what's killing my plants? [edited, now with picture!]

All the leaves are turning yellow and many are falling off, and new leaves are curling and yellowing. Here is a photo. Is it a virus? I don't think it's a pest, but I could be wrong, so I have a magnifying glass on the way from amazon. Plants are in soil and I haven't given them any nutrients in a while, so I'm 100% sure it's not nute burn. Temps are fine. PH is fine.


It does look like overwatering. I almost always wait until I see significant drooping before I water, which makes me think it's not. I guess I'll trying giving just enough water to moisten the upper part of the soil for a while and see how they do.
can you get a shot of the whole plan? is this chlorosis uniform over the whole plant? fusarium and other root zone fungi, can and often do cause splotchy leaves, buts its almost always associated with wilting of the lowers . root damage shows on old leaves first typically.however ive seen photos of fusarium effected plants that were uniformly splotchy.

did you change anything prior to this happening?

how long since last fert.

did this start bottom up or top down?

are they real close to a HPS/hot light?

what happened when you added the calmag. calmag sometimes has magnesium nitrate, which is pretty low in ph if i recall correctly.

new growth falling off the plant is unusual. its hard to say without more into.
can you get a shot of the whole plan? is this chlorosis uniform over the whole plant? fusarium and other root zone fungi, can and often do cause splotchy leaves, buts its almost always associated with wilting of the lowers . root damage shows on old leaves first typically.however ive seen photos of fusarium effected plants that were uniformly splotchy.

sure, here - http://s9.postimage....hp/IMG_8860.jpg

did you change anything prior to this happening?


how long since last fert.

three weeks

did this start bottom up or top down?

all over

are they real close to a HPS/hot light?


what happened when you added the calmag. calmag sometimes has magnesium nitrate, which is pretty low in ph if i recall correctly.

I gave one dose of calmag mag about 4 weeks ago, and it caused a few brown spots, but they seemed to be recovering until about 10 days ago

new growth falling off the plant is unusual. its hard to say without more into.

please let me know if you have any ideas - this is quite sad! my plants had been so healthy!
ive never seen anything like that before. it looks like all of your new growth died?

and its NOT wilting?
is this an inert medium like promix?
im wondering if you flushed this plant with reverse osmosis water or something?maby just watering with RO? i dont see how it could possibly be over ferted if as you say... you might check the EC of the runoff just to be sure. if its over 3ec flush with tap water i guess... i dont see how that could be the case tho.

it LOOKS like the plant is severly deficient in immobile elements. but it shouldnt get THAT bad in just 10 days.

honestly i dont know really, maby look for root disease... of some sort. you may want to look for root aphids, but thats just a shot in the dark really. if its fuscarium or bacterial, there wont be anything to see other than dead roots. aphids you can see however, with your magnifying glass anyway. if you see little nodes on your roots look up root knot nematodes.
assuming you dont find some absurdly high ec, ph, id just resume fertilizing the plant. water to like 10% run off each time you fert. then you can rule out a super bad deficiency without worrying about building high ec in your soil.
thanks, for h202, I read should I spray a 50/50 mix with water onto the leaves, but would a more diluted h202 mix help drench the soil if I have root rot?