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Here is Why: Grow list

Here is a picture of why I'm finally growing my own.

3 pounds ground venison
32 oz tomato paste
32 oz Pinto beans
1 cup chopped sweet white onion
2 cloves diced fresh Garlic
5 tbls Chilli powder +/- to taste
6 dried crushed Habanero
6 dried crushed Cayenne
6 fresh Jalapeno
lots of water and hours of simmering down.

Chilli I'll remember.

So, I'm planning on growing Jap M, Biker Billy, orange Habs, Carribean Red, slim red Cayenne, and a few others yet to be determined. First year, wish me luck!

Here are some more pics...

I've started some "test" plants in the last couple of months. Here is my poor-mans set up.


My C. Red born on 12/31/08:


A Jalapeno M born on 12/23/08, (my cat Turd worked it over recently):

the chili looks great! I've been eating alot of venison for the past couple months.
plants are looking good, when did you start the seeds ?
Thanks for the encouragement. Even though we are experiencing a heat wave currently (temps around freezing), the chili was well received this evening. Keep us warm for a day or two.

The C. Red and Jap plants were started December 4. I figured I should check my seeds to see how they worked out (Burpee seeds). The Jalapeno plants took about 10 days to sprout. The habanero plants took about 30 days to sprout. I know I don't do things perfectly, but I had to know so I could prepare for planting this spring or summer. Besides, these plants will likely be year-round indoor plants because I am so proud of them.

Started C. Red and Orange Habanero seeds this week intending to transplant them outside in late May. I plan to start the Jalapeno, Serrano, and others in early March.

Am I right to assume that Jap seeds out pace Hab seeds by close to a month. And then, the Jap plants grow significantly faster than Hab plants? At least given the growing conditions I am providing?
Pepper Turd said:
these plants will likely be year-round indoor plants because I am so proud of them.

Now thats the spirit! You will do well with your endeavours with that attitude mate.

30 days seems a bit long to germ but at least they got there, you are right about the habs/ jals as far as i know too.
I think its amazing how you can find new hobbies. My dad was the amazing master gardener. Never knew why until now. I've crippled myself quite a bit over the years, and no more sports for me anymore. Bought some land recently, and I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. The horses take up most of it, but the rest of it needs something to do. A garden makes the most sense.

I love spicy food. Onions and peppers!!!

Never tried to grow anything before. Now I love these plants. Silly thing, but the first and last thing I do every day is look at these plants. Hope they live a long time.
Looks good turd but I'd suggest using beer and/or beef stock instead of water for extra flavor.
I personally devote a whole section of garden to grow milder Mexican peppers just for chili.
I love some chile bola in my chili bowl:)
Hey Turd (...something doesn't sound quite right with that but....) you definitely need to re-pot to a larger size. The CHILI pot, of course:P! Thanks for the recipe! By the way, your plants look great too.
Downriver- that pot was so full because I just combined two pots together. I do need a larger cast iron pot though.

Have a couple more pics. The C. Red plant is doing okay, wish it would grow faster. Do they tend to grow slower than Jalapenos?

C. Red


The Jal M plant is growing like a weed. It developed its first fork a week ago. Each fork has forked again and is looking like it will fork again in a day or two.


Inside of the secondary forks are the first early buds!


Just waiting on my new starts to sprout.
this is like a food/gardening crossover thread, i love it. i'm always a fan of a ghetto set up too :)
your plants look great, more than healthy, but what are the speckly dots on the leaves? or am i delerious and seeing spots? that's quite possible...
GrumpyBear said:
this is like a food/gardening crossover thread, i love it.
Oh no, do we need another section?? :lol:
Good eyes! The spots on the leaves would be a little powdered pepper I used to keep the house cat at bay. Taught him quite a good lesson not to eat my plants.:mouthonfire:
Pepper Turd said:
Good eyes! The spots on the leaves would be a little powdered pepper I used to keep the house cat at bay. Taught him quite a good lesson not to eat my plants.:mouthonfire:

Haha f'ing cats. Those bastards will destroy plants, but they don't seem to like peppers too much.....

I set up a bootleg "cat fence" around my grow area, but she figured out that she can stick her paw through and swat the green things.


Ouch, Fatalii peppers? Poor cat. Hope she learned her lesson. I just used Cayenne powder, not much salivation here but my cat wasn't happy.


Here is as close as he gets to them now


I'll move up to hab powder next if I have to.
I started my Orange Habs and Caribbean Reds along with some Cayenne and mystery seeds on February 6th. Getting many to germinate now.

The Caribbean Reds surprised me and have done well so far...


The Orange Habs are lagging a little...


The Cayenne aren't breaking any records, but some of the mystery seeds are coming along...


I plan on starting my Jalapeno and other Annum varieties in mid March for plant out around the first week in June.
My indoor plants are doing fine.

The Biker Billy plant is really growing, seems a bit leggy though...


The Jalapeno M...


My little Orange Hab is also starting to take off even though it got a late start...


And my Carribean Red...


I had another C. Red that I had to keep going with as well. I hope I get some pods off of these indoor guys.
Gimormous leaves! I've found jalapenos to be the most difficult to stop from getting leggy under lights. When can you get them outside up there? June?