Hey Aussies, what ya Growing?

Were any up? Were any up!?

I just awoke from my slumber earlier to find a Manzano and a Sweet Choc up! Yay!

Still no Choc Bhuts or Dorsets yet though.... :(

Yeah it's exciting times, had 7 Varieties pop their head up when I got home. Now a total of 9 sprouted.

Have some patience with the Dorsets, they can take quite a while to germinate.

My List of peppers i've got germinated at the moment is;

Bhut Jolokia
Red Savina
Choc Hab
Trinidad Scorpion
7 pod
Yellow 7 pod
Black Pearl
pimenta de Neyde
Rojo Peron
Ancho Poblano

After going through my seeds, I've decided I will add the following to my list:

C. annuum:
Cayenne Gold
Cayenne Purple
Pasilla Bajio

That is of course, provided my plans to usurp mum's garden for extra growing space will be a success....


(J/K! Negotiations are underway....)
Hi Micca,
Huge list you have there my friend, I am impressed with the large number of Brazilian peppers that you have. :clap: :clap:
Good luck my friend.
I'm just curious to know who sent to you the Cumari Bolinha?
Take care my friend :) :cool:
I'm probably only growing about 25 - 30 varieties this year, and I've got a number of cuttings from last season as well as mature plants I cut down to fit into 100mm pots.

I already have about 70+ plants in 100mm pots, as well as another 30 in coconut peat pellets that have sprouted, and another 30 pellets that haven't sprouted.

I need to go build another 2 garden beds, and fill them with hay and manure to let it settle for a few months before I can plant in them, but the other 2 are close to ready to plant in, just need the weather to improve!
Nice to hear from you Brito.
The Wild Cumari Bolinha came from yourself and am forever in debt.
Hopefully will be a Brazilian Chinense summer for me. Thank you very much my friend.
Im also open to expanding my Brazilians :cool:
Hope you have a great season.

Hey great list Hellbeilly.
The Pimenta De Neyde is an interesting one, good luck with it.

Milkman, looks lke you have it sorted. 70+ plsnts :cool:
Iv'e also been trying to build garden beds.....maybe this year, mmmmmm.

I have started mine for the season.

Over wintered:

7 Pod (Jonah i recon after seeing pics.... they are EVIL)
Devin Tongue
Bhut Jalokia
Thai Super Hot
Thai Sun

Germinated and potted up this arvo:

Raja Mirch Nagaland Naga Morich
Bih Jalokia
Trinidad Scorpion
Ring of Fire
Yellow 7 Pod
7 Pod Jonah
7 Pod Barrackpore
Rocotto Red

I would like to grow more but i just dont have the space. These plants will give me and all i know enough heat to blister our bums time and time again!

Oh i LOVE spring!