Hi from Central Florida

Greetings, fellow heat seekers. I've been growing peppers on and off since the mid 80s. I live about four blocks from the Atlantic Ocean and usually grow several varieties in large pots. Since the weather is so good, my peppers grow into trees after a few years. Right now, I have a three year old tabasco, a jalapeño (of course) a Serrano and a Datil I picked up in a hardware store in St. Augustine last spring.

I now have a couple of new additions. Last August, a buddy of mine gave me a Bhut and red savina hab. I germinated the seeds and am now the proud owner of four very productive ghost pepper plants and half dozen red habs. I'm sure I'll be seeking help in turning my bounty into delicious edibles. Took a crack at a ghost hot sauce today, but the verdict is still out. I've dried the peppers and made "death" powders and flavored salts. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Nice to be here!
Welcome from Virginia.Try drying some and adding to mustard or ketchup and let it sit for a week or 2.Jerky loves em to. Rich
:welcome: stevo! Usually you get to know everyone before you tells us about your amazing weather and ability to grow pepper trees.

I will go back to my freezing wet miserable weather and cry until it is spring....

Welcome from Fort Worth
A fellow Floridian! Welcome aboard!